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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 7, 2011
Sheffield, UK
Just thought I would share pictures of 2 new additions to my tank. They were inherited when I bought a 2nd hand tank. Apparently they were going to be "discarded", so my conscience wouldn't let me leave without them. They were kept in horrific conditions, the tank water was brown and didn't smell at all pleasant. All the colours on both fish were all washed out and you could hardly tell what they were! Within a few hours in their new home, they were swimming around happily with the other fish (red eye tetras and platys). Best of all their true colours have returned and I was able to identify them as yoyo loaches.


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They certainly seem a lot happier! At first I thought the bigger one was bullying the smaller one. It kept following it everywhere. A few minutes later it was the other way around! They just like each others company. Maybe they are male and female? Anyone know how to tell on Yoyo loaches?
I adored my yoyos...... have fun with them. Be sure to give them caves and hidey holes.
They are in temporary accommodation at the moment, but will be eventually rehoused into a 35gallon with hopefully a few more friends ;) lots of places for them to hide away
Hi they do like there own company and will keep you 'amused' with there antics:) If like clown loaches,they can sleep on there sides,or simply rest in an unusual position - had more than the odd fish keeper paincking:lol:
Those dish are beautiful anyone that saves a living creature is blessed
Thanks, they are so playful and the markings are amazing :O I would highly recommend them to anyone.
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