New Lake Malawi's

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 20, 2005
Lake Tahoe, CA
Here are my new fishies, my camera doesn't do them justice, but here they are anyway.
And before you ask about the danios and goldies... they are my husbands fault. The Goldies will be moving into a 1500 gallon pond come spring, until then they must share quarters with the cichlids.

There are a total of 6 of them, the yellow lab I have had for a few weeks.




Nice fish! The danios can be dither fish. Tell your husband you need an indoor pond for the goldies. LOL.
An indoor pond is not a possibility with small children in the home and no space for anything. Our entire home has stuff stacked everywhere because its WAY too small for us!
What are dither fish?
LOL sounds like my house, only no kids here. Dither fish are fish that distract the aggressive fish. The are usually faster than the aggressive fish.
Oh yes... well thats why I can't catch them, they are too fast!!! The cichlids are picking on the poor goldies some, but not too bad. I think it will be ok as long as I am diligent about the ammonia levels.
What size is the tank again? You could always put a divider in for the goldies if the tank is large enough.
Its a 55 but they dont have any dividers at the local pet store, I have to order or drive off the mountain. They seem to be getting along well
Well as long as everyone is getting along, it's all good. Keep an eye on aggression if there is any and worry about it if it happens.
The only aggression so far is my yellow lab who I have had a few weeks didn't seem too pleased with the new cichlids at first but seems fine now. I did rearrange the tank a bit before adding them so they would have have equal shots at a cave, I just didn't move the wrecked car decoration (hubby is a mechanic, we love cars, it seemed fitting.) The car wreck is the yellow labs home, but oddly enough he allows all the feeders to move in at night and he goes elsewhere.
Yeah I got rid of the feeders today, they went back to PetSupermarket. I have lake Malawi's and about 10 or 11 caves for them to bicker over. I just made the caves today and watching them stake a claim on their terrirtory is great entertainment.
The tank parameters are doing good too, Its looking great!
OK one feeder stowed away... now he is a permenant resident of the hospital tank.
I have 11 mbuna now, fully stocked except to trade some males for females one I figure out the dynamics and stuff

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