New member in West Texas

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 16, 2009
Odessa, TX
I've decided that I can't feel more "zen" than watching my fishies! We have a 37 Gal freshwater tank. Our current 10 fish are: 1 Parrot Cichlid, 1 African Leaf Cichlid, 2 Black Skirt Tetras, 1 Penguin Tetra, 1 Red-Eye Tetra, 1 Striped Raphael Catfish, and 3 Siamese Algae Eaters.

Our goal is to take the best care possible so the little guys have a good fishie life. Unfortunately, we're having to learn the hard way what fish types get along...what kind of water conditions work...what kind & how much food to feed. Mostly because of bad information we've received from fish stores. One guy sold us $50 in fish, including 5 glow fish, 2 penguin tetras and the Parrot Cichlid. Guess what? Yep, the glow fish soon "disappeared" and we learned that Cichlids LOVE glow fish!

We have found one person at our local PetSmart that really knows her fish! But she's not always available; so, I joined AA because someone seems to always be available for "parents" who easily panic if something looks different in the tank.
Welcome to AA BelueTopaz,

First thing I noticed was your stocking list, all your tetras should have some more company. I normally never get a schooling fish unless I can get atleast 3-5 of them. Another thing I noticed is your African Leaf Fish and your Parrot should not be put together for the reason of one is a new world cichlid, the other is a african. If they get along that's fine, just keep a very close eye on them and see what happens.

Also that Striped Raphael Cat will get up to 8in, so he will need a lot of room to swim and I don't think a 37G will do it. I suggest returning him to your local fish store and getting a school of cory cats, maybe around 5-6.

You really have to do your research on fish before any purchase. I never buy a fish without research or background knowledge on the fish. I honestly never listen to any person helping me with fish, 90% of the time they are just trying to sell you the fish, so like I said before, research, research, research.

If you have anymore questions, feel free to post the questions in the appropriate category, or you can private message a member by clicking on their name and going down to Send a Private Message. Try to message somone that seems like they are on a lot aswell, more likely you'll get a response.
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