New member looking for tips

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Yeah I ordered my filter from this morning. It's the Emperor 280 that petco has for $37, Big Al has the Emperor 400 for the same price.

I checked a dozen or so online retailers and couldnt find anyone who beat's prices, he's even cheaper than walmart on the handful of stuff they carry.
Hi everyone, it's Chevy_Cowboy's wife. I figured now that we're getting serious about the aquarium, I ought to get read up on this stuff too. I had a 6 gal hex tank when I was a kid and have had neons and goldfish and guppies. My best friend had a 20 long and he had all sorts of fw fish, but I never really messed around with it, just watched them. I wasn't so interested :| in fish at first but with all the stuff C_C is getting and looking at all the fish in the stores I'm getting more excited :D about them now.
Welcome Chevy_Cowboy's wife! :wave: This hobby is a lot of fun and AA is a wonderful forum for advice and making new friends. Maybe you'd consider getting your own login for AA and join the group.(edited duh you all ready have a account) What kind of fish are you considering for your new tank?
Thanks for the warm welcome tmurphy :D

Well we've already decided on a pleco or two, those will probably be the first to go in. We're also considering a few small schools of tetras; I like neons and penguins and he likes lemons and cardinals so we'll probably end up with a combination of those, too. That's about as far as we've gotten as of yet. As he said before, we just got a 29 gal and we're in the process of refurbishing his old 10 gal for a QT. We're both getting quite anxious to get started.
Are you planning on doing a "fishless cycle"? I would recommend it as opposed to cycleing with fish as I just went though. A fishless cycle will elimate the worry and concern about your pals health during the process. If you need advice on a fishless cycle just ask! Lots of forum members have gone though the process.
Hi Cowboy!
I too am relearning the art of FWA! I put together my tank for 20.00, and so far so good! I have a 10gal tank also.
I have 4 red claw crabs, 4 stripe tetras, 6 ghost shrimp (one with babies) and 2 apple snails. So far they all are loving thier new home, and all are getting along very nicely. I bought them at Petsmart. My kids love the crabs and shrimp. This is my first time with the shrimp, and my 2nd attempt with the crabs.
I learned (after the deaths of the first 8 crabs) that they do not pair well with goldfish, because of they like the warmer waters.......the shrimp were only 30 cents a peice, so if you have small fish, I would suggest getting about 10 shrimp......they are really fun to have in the tank! HAVE FUN!!
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