New Neons :D

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Hahaha ya thanks for the clarification! Well my angel and glowlights are very feisty and will eat any fish dropped in the tank! Haha the hatchets have eyes on the top of their head more so, so its hard for them too see food around them! Haha i suggest waiting till you buy some because they are a little less hardy, and more expensive then tetras!
redsea said:
Very nice Neons! Neons are probably my favorite kind of Tetra. :)

Thanks! :)

If a few people are complimenting them I guess the little home I made is what they need lol.

But all credit to Pets At Home for keeping them healthy and happy :)
Ahhhh :)

Well I prefer the schooling to a showy fish really.

I mean I think it's a lot cooler have dozens rather that like 1 lol :)
You can have your 3 groups/schools of fish and still have a CP fish, if you'd like. For example, in a 20H I have 6 kuhli loaches, 6 glowlight tetras, 6 marble hatchets, and a halfmoon betta. :) Not trying to say you should have a CP fish! Just that you have the option if you want. ;)
Hahaha ya thanks for the clarification! Well my angel and glowlights are very feisty and will eat any fish dropped in the tank! Haha the hatchets have eyes on the top of their head more so, so its hard for them too see food around them! Haha i suggest waiting till you buy some because they are a little less hardy, and more expensive then tetras!
Agreed! And I'm assuming you meant any food dropped in the tank and not any fish. :blink: lol
siva said:
You can have your 3 groups/schools of fish and still have a CP fish, if you'd like. For example, in a 20H I have 6 kuhli loaches, 6 glowlight tetras, 6 marble hatchets, and a halfmoon betta. :) Not trying to say you should have a CP fish! Just that you have the option if you want. ;)

Well there is a bright red Betta at the LFS that I really want but I don't know yet.

I have a bad pic of it here lol:


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Haha wow thats a cool fish! And yes i meant food! Haha i just watched my pecock eel, angel fish, and african feather fin catfish DEVOUR blood worms! Haha it was crazy how fast they were gone
I love to just sit and watch em, they must be thinking "who is this random guy just watching us?!" lol.

But yea this Betta has been at the store awhile and I'm amazed nobody has snapped him up really.
Hahaha ya but i given them food so i bet they dont mind it when i watch them 24/7.. And ya thats a cool beta
Nu-Nu the eel said:
Hahaha ya but i given them food so i bet they dont mind it when i watch them 24/7.. And ya thats a cool beta

I was wondering if there was a sinking food I can give me neons?

Because my filter creates a circular flow so the food doesn't sink for quite a while.

Maybe switching the filter off for a while whilst feeding?v
This is how i feed my hatchets. I stick my finger in the flakes, brekmak tgem up, and then put my finger in the water and movenit around so they sink. Haha
Nu-Nu the eel said:
This is how i feed my hatchets. I stick my finger in the flakes, brekmak tgem up, and then put my finger in the water and movenit around so they sink. Haha

It ok now, I found that if I drop em in a certain area the current sinks them straight away :D

Although they didn't realize it was food so I used my hand out the outside of the glass to scare them towards the food (not really scary more encourage to explore lol)
Haha ohh ya i gotcha! Haha so when are the rest of the neons comming in?? Haha also make sure you see all of the neons eating because i had so many fish that i didnt realize 1 of my neons wasent getting enough to eat, and he got skinny and eaten my a gourmi! Haha so if one starts to become weaker try to seperatly feed him
Well all 4 seem to be eating enough, 2 of them goes for all the big pieces together and the other 2 get the smaller pieces :)

And I should be getting 4 more on Friday (pay day lol)

So hopefully I can spam some pics of my new improved school.

Also just a note: they love the driftwood cave/hideout lol.

Here's a pic of it:


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Haha oh ya pay day! Haha and oh nice that looks like a nice cave! Have you given the stocking list anymore thought?
Nu-Nu the eel said:
Haha oh ya pay day! Haha and oh nice that looks like a nice cave! Have you given the stocking list anymore thought?

Well I was up till like 3am sorting out the finances with the Gf (seems we don't spent a lot of money lol)

But I didn't kinda look into pandas but what I read say they like colder water (even read 22°C on wiki(but we don't trust wiki))

But I'm definitely looking on another tetra group, I like the look of embers and lemons so I'm struggling to pick lol :)
Hahaha ohh okay! I guess thats a good thing that u dont s0end alot.. More for the fish! Haha and ya get some more tetras! :)
Nu-Nu the eel said:
Rummynose, lemon, emperor, glowlight, or renguin tetras!! :)

The rummies do look pretty cool :)

I still love the look of the lemons so I'll have to see what my LFS stocks first :)

But they have a lot of tetra so their variety should be big... Hopefully lol
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