New Pseudotropheus saulosi aquarium advice

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 5, 2012
Hi there,

I have recently inherited a practically new 130 litre long aquarium and would like to set up a African cichlid water is very hard and has a pH of 8.2. I realise this tank is a small tank measuring 36" x 14" x 16" high but was thinking it might be suitable for a small group of Pseudotropheus saulosi? I have read on various forums that this might be possible but want all of your expert opinions! I was thinking 1 male and 5 females...I doubt there is the space for 2 males. With regards to aquascaping I was thinking of using lava rock and maybe some anubias and java fern? Also, are there any smallish algae cleaners, either fish or inverts.

Ay help would be great. Thanks
Many disagree but that sized tank would be fine for a species only tank with dwarf cichlids such as saulosi or cynotilapia afra such as cobue or jalo reef would be cool as well.

I'd try two males with eight-ten females, they are near the lower end of aggression when compared to most mbuna. Just arrange the tank properly to allow enough hiding spaces and breaks in the line of sight me you'll be fine.

As far as plants that I can't help with, the species of fish I keep hate plants with a passion and will go out if their way to kill them and other fish.
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Ok that's great. Thanks for the advice. I currently have some black sand spare that I would like to use and like the idea of using lava rock to create a reef and hiding places. Wild this be suitable or will the fish scratch or damage themselves on it? I'll try the numbers you suggest I think and see how I get on :)
Lace rock is fine, even if they do manage to scratch themselves with good water quality it will heal quickly without any ill effects.
That's brilliant thanks. Have just checked out he other species you mentioned...that has made my decision a lot harder :)

Will have to check them out in the LFS!
My personal experience with P. saulosi is that they are too agressive (even being on the lower end of the aggression level, which I do agree with), for that size tank. I've tried them twice in a 30gal tank, and both times I ended up with only a single male left. I would stick with some of the other dwarf cichlids myself.
Ok, thanks for that. Do you have any suggestions for less aggressive African cichlids? I'm sorry to ask so many questions but I am new to African cichlids and I don't want to mess up. Cheers.
Ok well I will check out the options. Thanks for the advice.
Ok, thanks for that. Do you have any suggestions for less aggressive African cichlids? I'm sorry to ask so many questions but I am new to African cichlids and I don't want to mess up. Cheers.

I've kept nearly a dozen male saulosi and not one showed that sort of aggression towards tankmates especially conspecifics, even in a smaller aquarium setting. I think if you research like you've already done you'll see more times than not that set up succeeds. My set up was a 40 breeder with 7 males to 18 females and not even a torn fin, my advice is to try the original plan.
Brilliant. I think I will. Definitely need to check my LFS stock...usually has an impressive range of species. I'll start setting up a reef over the next week. Ma even post a pic if I am feeling brave! Thanks for all the advice here.
Keep us posted, I'd like to know how it turns out for you. Maybe I need to change up something I was doing. In my case I started with only about 10 fish each time, so having higher numbers to reduce the aggression may be a key factor.
Well I ended up going for some Afra Jalo Reef from a breeder here in the UK. Should be getting them on Tuesday so fingers crossed they will settle into their new home. Thanks again for all you advice.
Well I ended up going for some Afra Jalo Reef from a breeder here in the UK. Should be getting them on Tuesday so fingers crossed they will settle into their new home. Thanks again for all you advice.

I think you'll be happy they are a great looking african cichlid. Can't wait to see some photos
A single male and five or six females with plenty of hidin' places should be good for saluosi. IME, the key is plenty of hidin' places. My mbuna tanks are stacked nearly to the top with cover. I use a base of 8-10 clay flower pots (4"-8" diameter ones) with a notch or two cut out with a dremel tool stacked along the back of the tank, then cover that with a "skin" of rocks for a more natural appearance. Takes up far less volume than rocks alone and provides a lot of alternate hidin' places and escape routes.

Well Ive just finished aquascaping in preparation for the arrival of my new Afra Jalo Reefs. Ive used lava rock as I like the way it blends with the black sand I use. I have also added a well established Anubias, some Java fern and a few Vallisneria. Ive also tried to create two seperate outcrops of rock to spread the potential territoriality. Hope you guys like it. Any advice or suggestions would be great.


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Thanks a lot. I actually suprised myself with this one! I think its all pretty stable as well which is something I was worried about. Next step is the inhabitants :)
Well my Jalo Reef arrived yesterday. Mixed bunch of juveniles ranging from about 2-4 cm. I think I have 2 males and 9 females from coloration at the moment but I guess this may change as the fish mature! They seem to be settling in well, only the occasional bit of chasing round the caves.

One thing I have noticed this morning however is that several are showing damage to their pectoral fins. I didn't notice this yesterday and was wondering whether this is normal for these fish, whether it is a result of aggression or whether they may be damaging themselves on my lava rock? Well nicked and frayed edges heal up? I'll try and put a couple of pics on later :)
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