New revised stock, please look.

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 29, 2011
Miami Beach, FL
Ok, after some very subtle revisions, I have my (almost) final stocking for my 75g tank.

1 lemonpeel angelfish
2 black/white false percula clownfish
1 kole tang
4 blue/green chromis
4 spotted cardinal fish
1 diamond watchman goby
1 Midas blenny

10 bumblebee snails
50 assorted hermit crabs
2 emerald crabs
2 scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp
2 peppermint shrimp
1 dwarf colored feather duster

Please tell me if this is good/ overstocked/ should change something or add more fish. Thanks.
Oh and can anyone recommend a type of plant that grows completely underwater that won't be eaten by fish? Some sort of algae?

And here's a pic of the tank.


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You could probably get away with more like 30 hermits. Once your tank is well established and algae goes down you'll have to overfeed to support that. Sounds good overall though, just make sure that lemonpeel doesn't eat your CUC as they are reef safe with caution. I think you should throw in some nassarius to stir the sand bed, on the order of 20-25 of them ought to keep your sand bed clean.
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