new set up requirements and $$

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 25, 2004
Alpharetta, GA
I have read mucho information about starting a fish only saltwater aquarium tank in the past 3 weeks. Yesterday I went to my local fish store (fish only store, not Petco and such) and this is what the outcome was. I have decided on a 90 gal. bowfront and fish only. The sales clerk recomended these items at these prices and said that is all I would need as far as hardware. Will someone tell me if these are rip offs or if some of the systems recomended are overkill and he's just trying to make more $$?

1) Protein Skimmer - 150 gal. rating, $150 includes pump
2) Wet/Dry Filter - 125, $229 + $80 for pump
3) Heater - $50
4) UV Sterilizer - 15 W, $150
5) Test Kit - $25

oops...that would be helpful information. :oops: I don't know it so let me ask this: First, would these items be all I need to run my aquarium? Secondly, What models/brands/types would you recomend for a 90 gal fish only tank?
Yup, gimmie brands and models. As a general rule you will not have SW tank for less than $30.00 per gallon and thats usually before fish and coral.
Thanks for the response. How about this... Since I can't get that information tonight and there isn't a consumer reports (.com) that will rate pumps, filters, UV sanitizers, etc. are there one to lean towards getting or to steer away from?
Thanks for the response. How about this... Since I can't get that information tonight and there isn't a consumer reports (.com) that will rate pumps, filters, UV sanitizers, etc. are there one to lean towards getting or to steer away from?
well I think I got most of the rest of the information from the chat room. So thanks all for your help here and I'll stop back in when I get everything up and running. So consider this post closed. 8)
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