New tank concern

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 16, 2011
Just started my first aquarium. 20h.. Everything is new .... The tank, the filter, the heater, gravel,etc. I put water conditioner in the water( amount based on instructions), let the filter run a little longer than 2 days and made sure the temp was right. Yesterday I bought the first fish... 3 red wag Platys 1 male 2 females to start cycling the tank....was advised on that type by pet store and a few live plants also suggested by the pet store. I acclimated them and put them in the tank. This morning while checking out the tank I noticed some white fuzziness on the back tail ... Just slightly on one ... Little on the side fins. The other 2 fish have just a hint. The water us is not cloudy and is clear. The filter is a penguin 150 and the heater is a fluval200w. They all also seemed to be hanging around the tip of the tank right by the heater.. temp says the tank is 78-79 degrees... the temp gauge is on the opposite side of the tank as the heater. Any help would be appreciated... If I can figure out how to upload a pic from my iPhone I will.
sounds like the start of a fungal(or bacterial) infection. dont stress it, yet...your new tank is cycling, them everyday for signs of illness and stress and changes. every few days tank a sample of water from tank and get it checked at petsmart or petco(or simular friendly chain that has this service for free) and make sure your ...
... ammonia levels should rise, never above .25 ppm(not safe level) or do a partial water change of 10-25% when levels exceed .25ppm. now a week or so later of keeping ammonia at safe levels your nitrIte should start to rise. this is good sign of cycle starting . keep checking water paremeters every few days and these levels need to stay in the lower to stressed levels while it starts to grow nitrifying bacteria.if your levels of ammonia get to high,(over .25 ammonia) always do a SMALL PARTIAL WATER CHANGE. do not CLEAN your gravel during this time and feed the fish sparingly to help keep ammonia levels week 3(or sooner or later) you will hopefully get a nitrIte (again) spike, it will go very high, do not worry more than is gonna drop soon and you should see your first signs of nitrAte as your nitrIte level spikes and then drops down to safe levels.when your nitrAte level rises (10-40 ppm) and your ammonia and nitrIte levels drop to ZERO....YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE CYCLE. HURRAY! YOU NOW CAN RELAX and clean small portions of gravel and do regular partial water changes monthly or weekly( depends on you and your tank ) . hopefully your fish slowly got use to the climbing levels of ammonia and nitrite and you did not add more fish when the levels were rising adjust to ammonia, slowly... and will shock if you buy a new fish that was just coming from a established(cycled a long time ago) tank and you place in your tank with high ammonia levels. (big no no) if you have white spots or fluffy tufts on fishes body or other signs of illness you should treat them at this time according to the symptoms. always quarentine new fish for a few weeks for now on, so they dont bring disease into your tank you have been working so hard ...hope this helps you. good luck, dont be afraid to ask !
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