New tank question

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 9, 2005
Wagoner, Oklahoma
I filled my tank 3 days ago and treated my water with aqua plus and cycle, my water was clear until this evening and now its cloudy. What causes this and should I do anything about it? I don't have any fish or real plants in the tank yet.

When cycling the tank, do not use Amquel plus. It will bind the ammonia causing the tank to not cycle or take an extremely long time to cycle. Use a different dechlorinator when cycling.

When you say cloudy, what color is the cloud?
I'm sorry, I thought I read Amquel Plus, not Aqua Plus. Whitish coloration leads me to think bacteria bloom, but you haven't added anything to the tank. Is the tank receiving direct sunlight? What is the temp of the tank?
The tank doesn't get direct sunlight. The temperature in the tank was 81 degrees, but I have turned the heater down to try to get it back down to 78 degrees.

Like talloulou says, cloudy water is common in a new tank. It's likely just dust and sediment in the water. It will eventually go away. This is very common. Also, the cycle product really doesn't cycle your tank as advertised.
While the tank is cycling, it will get a little cloudy like you say it is. I'm cycling my 55G, was crystal clear, now a little cloudy. But that's due to the bacteria blooms. I'm currently going through the nitrite spike, so that's the reason of my bacteria bloom. Once the tank cycles, it should clear up when you have all the proper bacteria in place.

Also, don't use the Amquel Plus, I think Aquaplus is ok though. Prime is good for sure. Also, Cycle really doesn't do anything. About the only product that does is Bio-Spira. And has to be refrigerated at all times, and best to use right away. Not a very long shelf life.
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