New to Aquarium Advice and a 37 tall ready to fill! HELP :)

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 18, 2013
Hi everyone,

I've managed fw tanks in the past. I say managed because I had a roommate who moved in with a ~36gal bowfront and had no idea why his fish kept dying. I started to get concerned and learned there was a lot more involved than buying 20 random fish and dumping them in water (his approach..not mine.) Thanks to his mistakes and my concerns I learned lots about keeping a few (20 danios) alive in that tank.

Years later I'm here with my own place and have just finished cycling my 37gallon tall. I need to stock it! I have 6 zebra danios (figured I'd get some tough little guys in there after my first cycle just to be sure!) and plenty of room. It's not planted, but I do have lots of silk and plastic plants I received as gifts and plenty of things to hide in.

I know this comes up A LOT on here, but I LOVE angelfish. I REALLY want one as a center piece (I know 2 would probably be too crowded in the tank). I know lots of people love gourami's, but I LOVE me some angels! I also love dalmation mollies and other mollies but they might not work with everybody else :ermm:

In summary,

Suggestions for adding to my tank??

37 Gallon Tall (30Lx12.5Wx25.6H)
-Sand Substrate (White-ish)
-Black Background

(6) Zebra Danios

@ Least 1 Angelfish.
More Color

Thanks Everyone!
I also have a 37 tall.... They make great angel tanks! I kept a pair of adult angels in mine with no problem for a very long time. Right now I have three juveniles in mine... I'm hoping to get another pair out of them. I did have an issue with adding danios though they kept nipping the angels fins! But yours might be different. Be sure to post pictures when done!

Thanks for the welcomes!

I'm a little worried about the danios now because of the nippy factor, but I've heard if kept in larger schools they'll keep it to themselves. I was also considering returning my danios to the LFS and picking up some tetras instead.
Thanks for the welcomes!

I'm a little worried about the danios now because of the nippy factor, but I've heard if kept in larger schools they'll keep it to themselves. I was also considering returning my danios to the LFS and picking up some tetras instead.

Give it a shot! Just be prepared in case they act up...who knows they might get on fine :)
My tank is a little smaller, but I am planning on having similar fish as you. I'm moving several fish from a smaller tank. Mine has a few danios (used to cycle), 4 platys, Angel, blue ram and a small group of cory catfish. Right now I actually have the angels, blue ram, a cory and platys all in a 10g. I'm waiting for the 29gallon to finish cycling. My angels are juveniles, about quarter sized, I haven't had any issues with any of them. One of my platys actually bullies my angels.

I read somewhere that if you make sure your smaller fish are in the tank first, and add the angels as juveniles later, there are fewer issues. Obviously you could still have issues, but it has worked for me so far.

I guess short answer to your question; if you want color I've had success with platys and a blue ram. I've heard mollies are good too, but sword tails can be too aggressive. Platys come in like 100 different color combinations, and are live bearers which can be fun.

Welcome to the forum.
Thanks for the response...

I really like the blue rams too.. they're a fun fish with interesting colors.

I'm considering now:

6 Zebra Danios (Black and silverish)
4-6 Platys (Probably redish orange)
1 German Blue Ram (Blue amongst others of course)
1 Angel (Depends on availability)
6 Cory Cats (mostly black and white)

Seems like a good mix of colors and compatible fish. I'll have my danios and platys in before I put in the juvenile angel so he will get used to them instead of being able to eat them. I've heard that cory's should be in later so they have an established tank and algae to eat on. Should I put the ram in before the angel as well? Does this seem like a good stock?
I like it. Its basically the same as mine but I dont really know what I'm doing, so maybe not the best person listen to. :rolleyes:

My planned order for moving everyone over (maybe a more experienced person can comment on if this is right) was:

Danios (in there now to cycle)
Platys next
Corys a week or 2 later (by then the tank should be cycled)
Angelfish and Ram together at the end

I may put the ram in the same time as the corys since my ram hangs out at the bottom same as the corys. I want her to get her spot all picked out, and am afraid if the corys get all the good spots before I put her in she would be unhappy, but it still a few weeks a way.
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