New to Planted Tanks

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 14, 2006
Greenville, RI
I've been reading a lot on AA for the past month or so and just started posting. The site is great!

With much of the research i've done here, i have a pretty good sense of where i'm going with the new tank. I just want to know what everyone thinks of how i'm doing so far.

I have a 20g high with 2.75" of Eco-complete. No plants yet, because i'm scoping out the LFS's and see who has decent plants. I had a more specific question towards lighting. The LFS sold me a CoraLife T5 Double linear strip. It says it has: a 14 watt Colormax full-spectrum t5, and a 14 watt 6700k plant lamp t5. And i have this over a glass top. Is this sufficient for low-medium light plants?

I also ran a test on the water that has been in there (for a couple days) and i got...
Ammonia = <.1
Nitrite/Nitrate = 0
KH = 5
GH = 5
pH = 7.4
Any help would be greatly appreciated =)
Thanks :) Are the lights supplied with that fixture sufficient? I was interested in a couple other plants: anacharis, wisteria, and a carpeting type plant (which i don't know of)
2x14w=28watts over a 20gallon. I agree with Blazer, that's really only enough for low light plants.
You may have luck with anachris and wisteria. For carpeting plants, you need list specifics, but in reality 1.15wpg isnt' enough for most true carpeting plants. I think you'd even be hard pressed to grow dwarf sag.
If you are familiar with this fixture, are there replacement bulbs that i can use to increase the wattage?

And as far as carpeting plants, i'm not too familiar with any at all. i was hoping for some suggestions
Unfortunately, you can't just get a higher wattage bulb, you'd need a new ballast to drive it as well.

You could add a bulb or two, depending upon the room in the hood. check for some good 'add in' bulb possibilities.
I just don't understand why they would sell a fixture for "planted aquariums" if its light output wouldn't be sufficient :(
because 'planted aquarium' is a broad term. You have your '2 super low light plants' people, and the 'super geek, more plants than fish, more light than the sun, CO2 injected' people.

That fixture's output is sufficient for a couple low light plants, no problem.
because 'planted aquarium' is a broad term. You have your '2 super low light plants' people, and the 'super geek, more plants than fish, more light than the sun, CO2 injected' people.

Speaking from the chair of one of the non-geeky, super-low light people, you can grow a lot of plants with the light you have. Take a peek at my tank clicky on what can be accomplished. :)
If I had to estimate your current wattage out, since you are using 2 good spectrum bulbs in a T5 fixture. I'ld ballpark your effective WPG to be 2, maybe a bit more.. I think you are in good shape for lights, I would consider setting up a DIY Co2 system and things should go well. considering the "High" part of your tank, Moderate to Low light plants would be fine. If you are talking about tall plants, I think some high light plants would be fine aswell, but their lower leaves will probably fall off.
My only idea is to get a better light fixture,unless aiming for low light,fluorecent fixtures are obsolete for aiming for higher light IMO.Y If you want higher light I'd go with a cp fixture,then you can keep carpet plants IMO.But you can try a putting two two light fixtures?
but it was said before, 28 w / 20 gal = 1.4 wpg It just worries me because the LFS sold me what they told me was a low light plant (cabomba) which isn't a low light plant. So if i chose to, would i be able to change the bulbs to 20 w a piece instead of 14? Sorry, i'm just a little lost haha
No, you cannot replace the bulbs with 20w bulbs, a 14w fixture is 14w period..

I know what was said before, but there has been some debate and after researching, I found that 40w = ~2000 lumens.. so basing a T5 bulb on being slightly better then a T8 fixture, you can assume a 14W T5 bulb to equal a 16W T8 (modest at best), 2 16W T8 bulbs is equal to 1 32w bulb (again, approx) which is about 2800 lumens, or 54W / 20 is over 2WPG. assuming some error, I figure 2WPG to be a fair guess..

And no one can argue that a T12 fixture has more light output because it's 40W then a T8 32w fixture. a T12 is 2300 lumens, a T8 is 2800 lumens.. (that is why I assume error..)

WPG is only important if you take into account the useful Lumens/watt and a T5 bulb outputs more light the a T12 which the WPG rule was based on.

Now I'm just rambling. Try a moderate plant, I'm pretty sure you won't be disappointed.
I agree with Wizard~Of~Oz. I have the exact same fixture, and i have medium light plants and they are doing really well and growing like crazy. The way I understood it is the reflecter on the fixture greatly increased the lumens of the lighting. I know this does not affect the WPG output, but i was under the impression that it was better for the plants.

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