New to site/Goldie vs Oto

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 17, 2010
Hi, I'm brand new to your site. Hope I don't make any faux pas here. If so, please let me know.

I HAVE to share what just happened, wished I had taken a picture, it was incredible -- but there really was no time.

Tonight, my 4 inch goldfish swallowed a 1 and 1/2 inch oto. Only the little brown tail was sticking out of Goldie's mouth. I quickly scooped a bunch of the aquarium water in a medium sized bowl, grabbed Goldie out of the tank, and held Goldie under the water in the bowl. At first I gently tried to pull the oto from Goldie's mouth, but when it didn't come out easily I remembered about how breaking the barbs on the oto will kill the oto and quite possibly severely injure or kill the goldfish.

I don't know why I did this but it worked -- I gently squeezed Goldie's abdomen and the oto came plopping out of one of Goldie's gills!

A few months ago, I lost one of the three otos I had in the tank (they are such good little algae janitors and the teen at the pet store suggested they would be fine with my goldfish:(). The little guy just disappeared one day. My guess now is that Goldie had an oto snack back then. Sad. Needless to say, I have removed the last oto from my goldfish tank and the 2 little survivors are hanging out in a 1 gallon bowl with some rocks and plants from my tank, and a bubbler until I can figure out what to do with them.
Thanks for this forum!
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