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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 14, 2009
Channahon, Ill.
Hi, I'm Kris. I have a small reef tank (16 gallons) that I've had for 5+ years. It's doing great right now with just 3 fish along with corals, an anenome, tube worms, etc. Everybody (fish) is getting fine for the moment as long as nothing "upsets the apple cart."

When I first got the salt water tank, the "pet shop" said I could have a fish for every couple gallons. And they sold me anything they could whether it was agressive, poinsonous or whatever. Needless to say I lost a lot of fish and invertebrates over the first few years.

Not wanting to go to a bigger tank (just don't have the time or energy), I decided to build a reef tank as I love the invertebrates. I just have a maroon clownfish who loves his anenome, a blue goby with orange spots (forgot the name) and a fourstrip b&w damsel who's the boss.

I now have a great advisor who owns a fish shop in a nearby town. He really knows his stuff and hasn't steered me wrong yet, plus has gotten me out of several messes without losing more creatures.

Glad to be aboard!
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