nitrites: need help

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 21, 2004
i have a 55 gallon tank with a small pleco, a 2inch bullhead, and a 3 inch pike. my tank have been up and running for about 4 weeks now and my nitites are 5 ppm or more. i really do not wanna loose my pike and am starting to get worried. i was wandering if there is anything i could do to lower my nitrite levels. I am already doing 20% water changes everyday. when i started the tank i put 15 gal from my 75 gallon tank that has been established for a yr. i also transferd my biowheels from that tank to mine. SHould i pull my pike from my tank and put in a tank with establisheed water?
Sounds like your tank is almost cycled, they usually have high nitrites for a week or two until the bacteria catch up. There is a chemical called cycle which really speeds this up. Also reduce the amout fed at each feeding it is better to feed the fish very small amounts of food several times a day.

Anyhow you will see the nitrates increase dramatically and nitrites will fall this is the start of the conversion, which is when the algae usaully starts. Reducing the light for the tank when this happens helps to prevent too much algae after that week the tank should be ready to go.

As far as the Pike it is up to you, but I haven't lost any large fish while my tanks cycled.
Lower the water level and increase aeration, as this it is more difficult for the fish to get O2 from the water during nitrite spikes. If you can add any additional filtratio to the tank, like a couple of sponge filters, I have found this will speed the cycle right along. If you can, take some objects from the established tank, like decorations or a rock or something and put it into the 55, or use the filter media from the established tank and put it into the filter on the 55. All of this will carry bacteria over to the newer tank.

Otherwise, you are doing the right thing with the water changes. What kind of filter do you have on the tank?
2 330's are good, but a canister filter might move more water for you when it comes to oscars.

How are your water params now?
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