non-testable macros & micros

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 1, 2005
ok.. so im on the train this morning going to work and I think; "i don't always know what fert im missing because of lack of reliable test kits". The reason why this came into my head, is because I have some species of plants that growing uncontrollably, and very healthy, while others just sit there.

So I was thinking, is there any documentation out there that would tell me that my Vals are doing great because they don't necessarily need a certain macro or micro that say my dwarf sag does? If we were able to create some kind of chart that showed the different species, and their demand for particular ferts, then you would be able to decipher what you are lacking not based on unreliable test kits. Like potassium, iron, magnisium... so on and so forth. Does anybody think that would work. I realize that it would be a tremendous amount of work, and I don't even know if the plant demands on ferts is even documented anywhere, but just a thought.

p.s. I started with one jungle val plant which has turned into 8 seperate plants (from shoots) and now each of those are now shooting too. This plant is very happy while my dwarf sag just sits there getting BBA specs on it. Along with my other swords that aren't really growing all that well. Just an idea, comment if you want.
EI's approach to your problem is to dose everything, then do massive water changes weekly to make sure no levels build to excess. A lot of what you want is also available at many plant ID and description sites; for example, swords are known as heavy root feeders, and perhaps yours are stalling because the root system is not yet established or they want a root tab.

Could also reference nutrient deficiency lists, like the ones from Chuck Gadd or Steve Hampton. Using plants as indicators for nutrient deficiency is a great method, but something like Wisteria (which will stunt with N deficiency and turn yellow with Fe deficiency) would be better than Vals, which seem to grow almost regardless of conditions. If you have BBA and already dose all macros and micros, you likely need to look at CO2.
that is the thing... i do have a pressurized CO2 system... the BBA is only present, and in very small amounts, on the stagnant plants outer edges of the leafs. Hopefully it will clear as the plants begin to grow and shed the BBAs ability to establish growth
Correct, though it won't remove the bba thats already there. prune infected leaves and up the co2 a little. Make sure you have good water flow and some surface movement. You still want some ripples on the top for gas exchange (many overlook this). BBA grows on slow growers or slow growing plants. I have problems growing vals no matter what I seem to do. Sometimes it be like that :)

Fortunately bba is one of the easier ones to get rid of.
Are you dosing excel. Vals don't like it so I'm told.
that is hard to believe that you have a problem with vals... that is the only thing that does really good with me. I dose pottasium sulfate once per week to get around 15 -20 ppm per chucks calculator. I dose nitrate as necessary to stay around 10-20 ppm (this is the macro i find most depleated most often, i have a low bio-load) and i does phosphates to stay between 1-2 ppm. 10% of my nitrates. Other than that, Flourish 3 times per week. My vals are all over the place and very tall, i have a 24 inch deep tank.
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