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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 15, 2006
I am interested in getting started a saltwater reef tank. I had a chiclid tank years ago so I am somewhat familiar with maintaining an aquarium, though I know a saltwater tank is a whole different beast. Let me also preface this by saying I am in marine science as my career, so I understand things such as water quality, nitrogen cycles, etc. I don't want to start out spending a lot of money, and sometimes I am forced to be gone from my house for 3 or 4 days at a time. I am interested in a kit I think, as this looks to be the cheapest venue as of now. Here is one I have been eyeing.

Let me know what you think about this specific tank. I want to buy the upgraded tank with metal halide lights. Any other advice you can give for a noob getting started and having something nice without spending a whole lot of money would be appreciated.
Hey Nick. Welcome to AA. :)

I think that looks like a good kit. The aquapods have been discussed here a few times, and the general consensus is that they are fairly good kits. You will also need a few other things such as salt, refractometer/hydrometer, a rubbermaid to store water in, test kit, and I would reccomend a protein skimmer if you are wanting to make this into a reef tank. I'm sure I left something out...

Save money by shopping around online.,,, just to name a few. You can also get pretty good deals for liverock online too, if your local place doesn't sell any. Check out or

On that model that I linked too, would it make a difference in getting compact vs metal halide? I know I still have tons of research to do. Thanks for the input.
pc's are generally less intense due to the wavelength being more spreadout across the given field and mh's are more pinpoint. with that setup you might as well go with the HQI in either 70w or 150w, don't matter none. many experts believe "our" systems are way over lighted and is not needed for corals to thrive, which I agree upon.

Are you going for the 12 or 24?
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