Hey there all... This is my first post here so let me give you a little background. I've been running a freshwater aquarium for about 8 years or so now. I've grown from the initial 10 gal to a 20 to my current 36 gal corner bow front tank. I've done cichlids, community, and a planted community tank in these various sizes but this will be my first attempt at salt water.
This weekend we went out window shopping and stumbled upon an irresistible deal. Shortly, in fact really any time now, our new 120 gal tank, stand, sump, and canopy are to be delivered. The stand needs a bit of cleanup work so I'm going to do some sanding and put a couple coats of fresh poly on the areas that I have to cleanup. The plan is for the tank to actually go on the stand Thursday night, and then Friday the same store is to deliver a 50 lbs box of uncured rock, 80 lbs of live sand, and 120 gal of salt water (plus they said that they would fill the sump too).
So, my plan is to pickup a small hang on protein skimmer, heater, and powerhead along with a large Rubbermaid tub or trashcan to cure the rock in. I'm planning on starting this particular process on Sunday. I also plan to reuse the equip for the quarantine tank to come down the road a bit. I've been reading up on LR curing and I'm thinking that I'll be rinsing the LR in a separate tub once a week and doing probably a 5 gal water change at this time each week. I figure I'll let that go for a month or so before even thinking of moving this to the actual tank. Anyone see any issues with this part of the plan?
I'm a bit unsure of what to do with the tank itself. The idea is to have it running with only water and sand for a while. I'll probably pick up a few pieces of cured LR over the next month or so while the other stuff is curing and drop this straight into the tank. Is this going to actually cycle the tank though?
I honestly don't plan to have any fish in the tank before December, and probably closer to Christmas than Thanksgiving. I figure that my cured rock will make it to the tank sometime around mid to late November and then I'm thinking of starting on another 50 lbs box though this may wait until after the first of the year.
I'm currently at a loss quite honestly on what to stock. I have a 5 year old though who loves Finding Nemo, so I'm thinking that I'll have to have a Clown and a Powderblue Tang (Dory, right). I figure that I'll plan the rest of the tank around these two though I think I would really like to get a Picasso Trigger someday.
Thanks in advance for any and all advice.
This weekend we went out window shopping and stumbled upon an irresistible deal. Shortly, in fact really any time now, our new 120 gal tank, stand, sump, and canopy are to be delivered. The stand needs a bit of cleanup work so I'm going to do some sanding and put a couple coats of fresh poly on the areas that I have to cleanup. The plan is for the tank to actually go on the stand Thursday night, and then Friday the same store is to deliver a 50 lbs box of uncured rock, 80 lbs of live sand, and 120 gal of salt water (plus they said that they would fill the sump too).
So, my plan is to pickup a small hang on protein skimmer, heater, and powerhead along with a large Rubbermaid tub or trashcan to cure the rock in. I'm planning on starting this particular process on Sunday. I also plan to reuse the equip for the quarantine tank to come down the road a bit. I've been reading up on LR curing and I'm thinking that I'll be rinsing the LR in a separate tub once a week and doing probably a 5 gal water change at this time each week. I figure I'll let that go for a month or so before even thinking of moving this to the actual tank. Anyone see any issues with this part of the plan?
I'm a bit unsure of what to do with the tank itself. The idea is to have it running with only water and sand for a while. I'll probably pick up a few pieces of cured LR over the next month or so while the other stuff is curing and drop this straight into the tank. Is this going to actually cycle the tank though?
I honestly don't plan to have any fish in the tank before December, and probably closer to Christmas than Thanksgiving. I figure that my cured rock will make it to the tank sometime around mid to late November and then I'm thinking of starting on another 50 lbs box though this may wait until after the first of the year.
I'm currently at a loss quite honestly on what to stock. I have a 5 year old though who loves Finding Nemo, so I'm thinking that I'll have to have a Clown and a Powderblue Tang (Dory, right). I figure that I'll plan the rest of the tank around these two though I think I would really like to get a Picasso Trigger someday.
Thanks in advance for any and all advice.