not sure which coral

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Sep 27, 2006
Washington State
I have one area in my 72 gallon tank that I need some help with. I currently have a torch coral tucked into a cranny but I believe there's too much flow on it. It's towards the very bottom of the tank (about 18" from the t5ho fixture). I like would like to keep somekind of wavy motion in that area of the tank....what other coral would do ok in that area??

Green Star Polyps like that.....Uh, various hammer coral likes it. The star polyps are great if you don't have any. Very pretty under actinics or moonlight. Xenia like motion
A galaxia would also do well in that area. They have long sweeper tentacles though and can sting things around them. The GSP will do well but can spread very quickly.
How about a pavona coral. It`s a medium light SPS coral that likes alot of flow.

I think she is looking for movement in that area.

Can you get a close up of that pavona? Mine has a totally different growth pattern.
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