Ok need everyones help

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I've got a fluvil fx5 and a120 gallon sump with 4x70 gallon power heads and u guys think I need 1 more
Posting so this stays in my 'current' tab.
Personally, I'm cichlid-obsessed and I would use that tank to breed them!! But that's just my opinion. I also got a wicked cool image of a 500g planted tank with schools of tetra, guppies, swordtails, mollies, whatever small colorful fish I could find that would cohabitate.
:) congrats on such an amazing purchase!! I hope you have fun with it, and it gives you more enjoyment than headaches!!
Teknofilechik said:
Posting so this stays in my 'current' tab.
Personally, I'm cichlid-obsessed and I would use that tank to breed them!! But that's just my opinion. I also got a wicked cool image of a 500g planted tank with schools of tetra, guppies, swordtails, mollies, whatever small colorful fish I could find that would cohabitate.
:) congrats on such an amazing purchase!! I hope you have fun with it, and it gives you more enjoyment than headaches!!

+1 with the guppies! Lol.
Since you have your filter's you can start to grow your own nitrAte seed. It will speed up your cycle process and give you something to do now to move your tank build along.
If you want to grow nitrAtes in your filters while you are waiting. Read thread "Noob here made a mistake, hopefully you guys/gals can help" Post #42.
It will explain how it's done.
Doing it this way I was able to cycle my 55g tank in 5 days. Your tank is sOOOOO much bigger than mine, so it will take longer, but much less than doing it after your tank is all set up.
If you do decide to do it and have any questions after reading the other post, let me know. I'm here most days.
McLumpy said:
Um, just a friendly reminder that this thread is worthless without pics. :D

My phone makes really small pics so I put them in my gallery but if u feel its worthless unsubscribe no ones telling u to stay.... And pictures are going to come slowly do to the fact I'm not made out of money this will be an epic adventure over time not when u want it done but thanks for following
My phone makes really small pics so I put them in my gallery but if u feel its worthless unsubscribe no ones telling u to stay.... And pictures are going to come slowly do to the fact I'm not made out of money this will be an epic adventure over time not when u want it done but thanks for following

I think the original post by McLumpy was more of a friendly ribbing and not a complaint.
I think the original post by McLumpy was more of a friendly ribbing and not a complaint.

This. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude. I didn't realize that the pics were posted anywhere either. Again, I'm sorry. :(

I belong to another forum and the "this thread is worthless without pics" phrase is well known for being a kindly gesture that someone is interested in seeing pics.

*hides in the corner*
This. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude. I didn't realize that the pics were posted anywhere either. Again, I'm sorry. :(

I belong to another forum and the "this thread is worthless without pics" phrase is well known for being a kindly gesture that someone is interested in seeing pics.

*hides in the corner*

No need to hide lol, it was just a misunderstanding!
I'm sry too

There was no need for you to apologize. ;) (And, no, I didn't hide in the corner lol).

I did get a chance to check out the pics in your album btw. That tank is too cool! I also like your other tank w/ the Buddha! Very nice looking plants! (y)

Do you have any updates regarding the 500g?
McLumpy said:
There was no need for you to apologize. ;) (And, no, I didn't hide in the corner lol).

I did get a chance to check out the pics in your album btw. That tank is too cool! I also like your other tank w/ the Buddha! Very nice looking plants! (y)

Do you have any updates regarding the 500g?

I'm waiting on oceanics to finish my sump
Got a call last night there done with my sump and this weekend I'm going to build my stand for all this lol yeah
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