? on ferts

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 11, 2006
Lubbock Texas
Where is the best and cheapest place to buy ferts. I am wanting I think KNO3 and I am not sure what else I have a low light tank with anubias and Java ferns a few dwarf sags some Bacopa some amazon swords and some cryptocoryne retrospirils and some red wendits. I have placed some root tabs that have helped but the leaves on the plants are very thin and are getting holes in them plus they have some kind of algea growing on them.
Any help with what I might need and where to get it would be great Thanks

Sounds to me like more of a lighting issue than a lack of nutrients....
Thanks MG and HN1 I am working on upgrading my light right now I have about 1.2 watts per gallon and my plants have usually done ok untill recently they have never grown very fast but did ok.
How hard is it to install a retro fit kit?
i just ordered a bunch of stuff from green leef (first link from MGamer) last week. 5 pounds of ferts, two solution bottles, & drop checker... drop checker was pricey but the fertilizers were decently priced.
Thanks MG and HN1 I am working on upgrading my light right now I have about 1.2 watts per gallon and my plants have usually done ok untill recently they have never grown very fast but did ok.
How hard is it to install a retro fit kit?

Not hard if you have some DIY skills. I'm speaking as someone that's personally DIY challenged though. lol

How old are your bulbs? They may have shifted spectrum resulting in the onset of algae issues.
I am diy challenged but maybe i can find someone to do it for me. I may just try changing my bulbs they are a little over a year so that may be it.

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