Opinion needed. Air stone or not?

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I keep reading air stones are unnatural, and I must disagree to a point. There are plenty of springs, gas pockets and other under water sources that give off bubbles ... Usually not air bubbles though... Methane bubbles ect.

So while having a blue air stone partially buried in the substrate does detract from the natural look, how about covering it with stones in a way so the air bubbles escape through various openings? Yes having a bunch of air bubbles coming from one source doesn't look too natural, but multiple sources can.

I'm wagering that rift valley lakes will have areas where volcanic gases do escape into the water... But I'd have to double check.
I have them in some of mine and not in others. Here's a link about air stones.

All of these videos are great! Ohh and IN!
I vote for OUT! They look unnatural, and I hate the whole plastic ornaments and airstone look. Natural is the way to go!

Bubbles are a girls best friend, not even going to mention that overpriced
shiny hard clear piece of carbon they desire so much.
Well as of right now the wife won. Its on but guess what? I put it on a timer!! lol so it goes on at 8pm and turns off at 3pm right before the lights come on ;)

So I can view without and then she can view with later. We'll see how long it lasts.
Convict2161 said:
Well as of right now the wife won. Its on but guess what? I put it on a timer!! lol so it goes on at 8pm and turns off at 3pm right before the lights come on ;)

So I can view without and then she can view with later. We'll see how long it lasts.

Have you considered this as an arguement for a new tank for "her" ;) so she can have as many bubblers as she wants and more fish for you haha
DragonFish71 said:
Here it is, ONE warning.

This post is about bubblers, not getting hair or nails done. Any more off topics and it will be closed.

Oh come on Dragon, gotta admit this is one interesting thread and is SOOOO true! They win! Come on.... You don't even have anything to offer in my battle of the bubbles? What's your opinion on it other then threatening to close my thread?

Do you use airstones? Are they worth it?

No disrespect btw... :)
Being that I'm female, I disagree with the "they win" mentality. If "we"won, I would have a new 120g tank where my couch used to be.

As for air stones, I use them in every tank. I took them out before and noticed that the tank was too stagnant and my fish were gasping. Most of my filters barely cause surface disruption due to how I have the outlet placed.
I agree with dragonfish. My aquaclear doesnt give me much surface agitation unless the water level is low so my bubbles keep things a little more mixed up and push stuff around so my filter can suck it in.
DragonFish71 said:
Being that I'm female, I disagree with the "they win" mentality. If "we"won, I would have a new 120g tank where my couch used to be.

As for air stones, I use them in every tank. I took them out before and noticed that the tank was too stagnant and my fish were gasping. Most of my filters barely cause surface disruption due to how I have the outlet placed.

Haha ok now I know your a female that helps :)

Ok do seriously because I really do hate the look. I have a AC110, Koralia power head that states 1,025gph and a Fluval Fx5. Still need the little air wand?

I've read so many articles claiming they do nothing at all and are for looks... Then the other side of the coin it says try are beneficial.

Your thoughts since I have all that running in my 75g.
Dont wanna get yelled at but...how do you like the koralia powerhead? I keep getting different responses about it...
Tank looks awesome !!! Vote with out.. I have one that is connected to a plant and rock I wanna take it out but my one featherfin loves to lay in the plant in the bubbles lol
brunettebaby4571 said:
Dont wanna get yelled at but...how do you like the koralia powerhead? I keep getting different responses about it...

I love the power head and glad I took the advice of some members and went for it.
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