Ordering livestock online

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 19, 2011
Va beach
I'm a little uneasy ordering from online. Mainly due to me living in TX. everything I order will come from either coast. Right now I'm looking at getting a CUC from reefs2go. Has anyone had experience with them? How did your livestock arrive? Thanks for the help.
If your looking for a cuc go to john over at reefcleaners.org. Great guy, great company, great shipping, only problem is he can't count :) I ordered 20 snails for one of my 40's and got close to 50, even with 6 doas I had way more than I paid for
I get most of my livestock from online. In terms of a CUC, there are better places to order from. R2G is best for their pods. When I started with them, they struggled to get livestock to you alive but would give you a refund. Now they don't have those issues so much.
You don't need a CUC. Just keep nutrients in check and you won't have algae issues. CUC does not remove the issue causing algae. It just hides it for a while recycling the nitrates and phosphates for algae to consume again.
Sorry, but having or not having a CUC wasn't my question. It's about ordering livestock online and peoples experience with it. Your statement makes perfect sense, my tank in only a 29g I do weekly PWC and still have a but of algae now and then. I use RO/DI.
Your apprehension is understandable. I would look at the guarantees an online retailer is making. Some will give you 7 days while others will 15. You might have to follow their recommended acclimation procedure for them to honor the guarantee so be on a look out for that...or anything that could void the guarantee. A retailer can also ask for photos of dead animal/critters. Do not dispose of any before talking to the retailer.
Also, many fish stores are willing to ship animals if a buyer is within 100-200 mile radius. They will usually ship an order via Priority Mail that most people get the next day and only pay $10-$11 for it. Good luck!
Also, look at the details of the guarantee. For instance, saltwaterfish.com has a 15 day guarantee. However, they will only give you store credit if the animal dies after (I think) 4 hours post delivery. That store credit doesn't count towards your next order for free shipping and can't be combined with a lot of their sales. they also require that you send them a picture of the dead animal.

Liveaquaria however IME will give you a refund in most cases without asking too many questions.

These are the only two online retailers I have ordered from.
I ordered from r2g and the snails and crabs were very tiny. I usually use bluezoo aquatics I've ordered quite a few things from them and their on the west coast.
For fish and corals live aquaria and blue zoo are the only 2 I use. But I'm telling you if your lookin for cuc, john Maloney at reefcleaners.org is the king of the snails!!!!!!
I have had mostly bad luck with reefs2go. I made 3 orders and they all had something not alive in them. I love reefcleaners.org, john is a standup guy and like stated above you will usually get more than you order. He refunds you if something doesnt arrive alive as well. Most places only give a store credit which isnt the best way to refund in my opinion.
I have mostly ordered from liveaquaria and they will refund your credit card if something doesnt make it two weeks. Best online place from my experience.
Thanks all for the advice and help. I live in the DFW metroplex in TX and we have two stores to choose from. Ones stock is so expensive I go to the other who really only sales corals at amazing prices. So I don't have very many options other than online.
And sounds like reefcleaner.org is the way to go. Turns out my mom is in the same issue in OKC with like 2 stores. She just told me she got her CUC from reefcleaners.org
All hail john king of snails!! But seriously order less than you think you need, or if you go with one of his custom packages ( just enter tank size, all snails or snails and hermits, and a couple other questions and he will put together a package just for you) be prepared for a snail bomb
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