Oscars and cichlids?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 15, 2012
Will oscars do well with lake Malawi cichlids? Yellow labs, red zebra and blue cobalts?
Haven't kept them together myself but I very much doubt it.Oscars get huge.Up to 14" and I think the problem would be that the malawis would fit in the Oscars mouth so therefore the Oscar would eat them.
I have a female jack with my Africans. She gets along with all of them except the jewel for some reason. She totally hates that dude. I don't think I'd put an Oscar in there though.
bcurlacher54 said:
I have a female jack with my Africans. She gets along with all of them except the jewel for some reason. She totally hates that dude. I don't think I'd put an Oscar in there though.

Maybe is because the Jewel and Dempsey look a bit similar?
I've seen it done with 2 oscars and jewels, and one big jag.
I had my Oscar with africans, after he passed 8 inch he start too eat day by day fish by fish. He took out the strongest and went from there lol
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