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Mumma.of.two said:
Wow I haven't been keeping track. Sorry you lost all your ottos! :(
My votes for BN plecos. I love my guys. I have 4! :) They can be kept solo. If you have a m/f pair you could have babies.

** tisk tisk ** :-D HIIIIIIIII
Thank you...
BA BA BAAAAAABIES?! I'm the baby queen!! Lol
ocminpin said:
They can stay solo?

Yup! If you had a large tank you could have a bunch of them! Very easy to breed, I tend on breeding mine at some point, just don't have the room yet. ;)
Starka said:
Yup! If you had a large tank you could have a bunch of them! Very easy to breed, I tend on breeding mine at some point, just don't have the room yet. ;)

How about two?! :) and I could order them off a website and look at it as an investment because I'm not bringing darn camallanus in again or other things...
Starka said:
Yup! If you had a large tank you could have a bunch of them! Very easy to breed, I tend on breeding mine at some point, just don't have the room yet. ;)

Don't mention the phrase "large tank" around me please...!! ;-)
ocminpin said:
How about two?! :) and I could order them off a website and look at it as an investment because I'm not bringing darn camallanus in again or other things...

Lol I don't see why not. They are pretty hardy, they have an armor plating but when they get big enough they rarely get sick. Though I think they don't like salt all that much, kinda like cories. I have platies, guppies,ram, and cories with mine. I have three all together of course in different tanks. Everyone is peace full.
Starka said:
Lol I don't see why not. They are pretty hardy, they have an armor plating but when they get big enough they rarely get sick. Though I think they don't like salt all that much, kinda like cories. I have platies, guppies,ram, and cories with mine. I have three all together of course in different tanks. Everyone is peace full.

I don't have salt in the tank because of my betta...
ocminpin said:
I don't have salt in the tank because of my betta...

I know you have or had a brackish one somewhere ;)
I only put a tiny bit of aquarium salt when everyone had ick, or at least when my ram had ick. They were fine, they just can't handle the full dose.
Starka said:
I know you have or had a brackish one somewhere ;)
I only put a tiny bit of aquarium salt when everyone had ick, or at least when my ram had ick. They were fine, they just can't handle the full dose.

I was going to go brackish with those mysteriously sick mollies, but they started responding to Aquarium salt, so never switched..
Sorry I didn't respond before, I got distracted. Lol. Anyways, pitbull plecos stay small. They do not have much more bioload than on oto. They only reach about 2-3 inches and prefer groups, but 2 would be fine together. I am guessing they would also keep your oto company. I had them together for awhile and they all loved each other.
If you like the bnp, that would work too, but IME a single bnp has more bioload than a pair of pitties do.
absolutangel04 said:
Sorry I didn't respond before, I got distracted. Lol. Anyways, pitbull plecos stay small. They do not have much more bioload than on oto. They only reach about 2-3 inches and prefer groups, but 2 would be fine together. I am guessing they would also keep your oto company. I had them together for awhile and they all loved each other.
If you like the bnp, that would work too, but IME a single bnp has more bioload than a pair of pitties do.

I don't have any Otos left :-(
Oh sad! I'm sorry, I was thinking you still had one.
I still say pitbull plecos are a cool alternative to trying otos again though. ;)
ocminpin said:
A male & female... Female light tan and wider head.. Male dark and leaner..

Names please?!

Is that how you tell if they're male or female? I went and bought three yesterday ;) they're hiding a lot today, but hopefully they'll settle down soon. Good luck with yours!
Fishies86 said:
Is that how you tell if they're male or female? I went and bought three yesterday ;) they're hiding a lot today, but hopefully they'll settle down soon. Good luck with yours!

Thank you! Yes... I researched several sites after getting my first few... As usual females are dull... Sigh.. Lol
ocminpin said:
If not then I'll be giving up for now... And thinking more about the pleco

Go Pleco! Though ottos are cute too. Seen a whole bunch in a 30gal soo cute!
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