parasites? or something else?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 11, 2005
I'm really hoping someone here can help me out with this...

I noticed today that one of my dwarf gouramis is looking a little ill. He seems rather thin and has a sunken in appearance, and he's keeping his fins closed.

There is no sign of any external parasites or fungal infection. He is moving around the tank and eating normally.

In addition, I have noticed that two of my platies have had long stringy poo that seems to be mostly a clearish color, and one of my cories seemed to be a little listless.
All other fish seem perfectly normal and healthy.

This, to me, sounds like the classic symptoms of an internal parasite infection. Does anyone think so too? Or could it be something else?
If so, whats the best way to go about treating something like this?

I added 2 new cories to the tank about 2 weeks ago, and I'm thinking that they might have introduced something to the tank. (I know, I know, I should have QT them before adding them to my main tank... I am really kicking myself for not doing it now, but I've never once had a problem with unhealthy fish from this lfs.)

tank parameters:
ammonia- 0
nitrite - 0
pH - 7.6 and stable
nitrate - unknown (lacking a test kit at the moment)
temp - 77 degrees

The tank is a 29gal and has been running since the beginning of August. Other fish in the tank include a school of albino cories and a school of black tetras.

25% pwc and gravel vac is done weekly. The last time the water was changed was today.

Thanks in advance for any input!
I agree on the internal parasite diagnosis...there are a few meds that work for this, depending on what is available where you are...personally, I am a fan of Jungle's 'Parasite Clear'.
i agree with 2 platies had the same thing some time ago and i treated them with Jungle's Antiparasite medicated food...i didnt have a problem with the fish eating it but ive heard of people who i'd go with jungle's antiparasite clear...good luck... :D
Thanks, I think I will try that.
When either of you used the medication, did you have a problem with it messing up the biological filter?
I never had a problem with it, other than that the pleco didn't eat it and kept reinfesting the tank. Break up the pellets for smaller fish. If they don't eat it at first, stay the course-when they get hungry enough...gulp.
i didnt have a problem either...if you decide to go with the medicated food make sure you break it to a size that is easy for the fish to platies will eat anything so it was easy for me to treat them...good luck... :D
Well, I went out and got some Jungle Parasite Clear (the fizzy tabs, not the food). My local Fleet Farm actually had them on sale for $1.90 for a package of 8, so I was in luck.
I dropped a few of them in the tank, and hopefully that will do the trick.

Now, though, I noticed that my pregnant female platy has developed 2 small white patches on her head. Looks like it could be ich...
Keep an eye on her. It might not be ich. I had white spots pop up on the head of my dwarf gourami and ich never developed.
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