Peppermint Missing

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 22, 2011
NorthCentral Wisconsin USA
Ok guys,

Here's my dilemma, on two separate occasions I have purchased a handful of peppermint shrimp. I have drip acclimated them and introduced them into my reef. They are fine and active, but by the next day they are all gone! I don't know what is happening to them. Nobody is picking on them when I introduce them but clearly, someones eating peppermint shrimp! Any ideas?

I have:
1 Yellow Tang
1 Pacific Regal Tang
2 Blue Green Reef Chromis
1 Yellow Tailed Blue Damsel
2 Lyretail Dartfish
1 Percula Clown
2 Six Line Wrasse
A handful of hermits
A bunch of asst snails
1 Coral Banded Shrimp
And of course, assorted corals

I had a similar issue with cleaner shrimp in my 125g, the tangs are suspect as well as my watchman goby.. I've read tangs can pick at them, but I havent seen any examples of it...
I was going to put a couple of peppermint shrimp in with a coral banded shrimp until I did enough research and decided it wouldn't be a good idea.
Could be any of those suggested. The damsel is also a possibility. I got 2 in my 150g forgeting about my grouper. Gone in a half hour.
Ya. Hes the most probable, but pretty much anything couldve done that. I wouldnt get anymore if I were you.
Yeah...I'm done. I lost a $20 Cleaner Shrimp and $70 in Peppermints. My wife is jealous...I spent more on a dinner for the Coral Banded Shrimp than I did for her! Lol
Don't feel bad, I lost five cleaner shrimp and a couple peppermints in my 125g, since I don't know who the culprit is i can't add anymore, it would just be silly and mean to the shrimp. :-(
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