phytoplankton culture

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 7, 2005
Humboldt CA
i got Isochrysis and Tetraselmis sp. from the marine lab and began my culture AGAIN. last few times it wiped itself out i prefume due to lack of nutrients in the water coulumn.
this time i added some liquid fertilizer and the cutlure is exploding with growth! its only been 48 hrs since i started it!
anyway, my question is: is it safe to add the phyto to my reefs considering the added nutrients to the phyto water. or should i harves the culture 3/4 of the way and refill it, let it grow out, and then feed....
what your opinions?
i added a bunch of the tetraselmis to the 29g reef. no adverse effects noticed as of yet. i refilled the culture bottle with plain (no added nutes) sterile saltwater.
sterilizing your saltwater for phyto culture is easy!
just use glass bottles - i use quart size canning jars. fill them with saltwater. put the jars, one at a time, in the microwave for a good 10 minutes or so. watch it while its in the micro to avoid fire:).
then put a piece of foil over the top and let it cool somewhere out of reach of others. the hard part is not burning yourself removing the jars from the microwave. wait a good 24 hours and add the starter culture. put a piece of hollow glass rod attatched to airline attatched to an air pump to circulate the culture. for lighting, i use a 13w daylight flouro thats on 24 hrs a day. my cultures are explosive! :)

HTH any one starting a culture....
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