Pic your favorite!

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Apr 4, 2012
Northern Colorado, USA
Show off your favorite..... Pics.

Pics of anything tank and fish keeping related stuff. Doesn't have to be a best pic (older pics, at least for me were bad at times).

Favorite tank ever, favorite pic of a tank, favorite pic of a shrimp, fishes, snail, plant, rock, layout, whatever!


As I was looking for a pic of something and in perusing the albums I saw a bunch of old pics making me nostalgic, kept thinking, that was my favorite Betta, my favorite pic of that tank, my favorite layout for THAT tank...etc.

Feel free to link your build thread to the subject matter as well.

If you want to tell why it was a favorite " pic " what made it special [to you].

I will add a few in an additional post.

Favorite pic of my first planted tank, appx 2012 - 6 years ago.
The info in the pic was
"Tiger Lotus from seed pod pack with Ferka ferts 15 leaves, up from 5-6 10 days ago!!!"

This is a lot of them FW

This one was a fun one.
I was so mad that this partial Cholla log just would not sink for a long time - I think weeks.

One day I opened the lid of the tank and look who was resting in the cradle of the log. After that I never wanted it to sink.


Favorite tank I never could own because Fluval never ended up making them for consumers. At MACNA 2014 Denver 8/30/14

Prototype Fluval Edge 3

Vanilla Cray looks so awesome on black substrate

One of my favorite fish a really great personality, always there to greet me, a peaceful beauty, but wouldn't put up with an trouble from other fish. Fun shot male Pearl Gourami

Liked this pic of a pretty Angel fish and the way the camera captured it in movement. 2014

Most primitive looking creature Bamboo shrimp

Unique fish which was supposed to be about 3-4 inches per the fish store guy... but turned into maybe 6+ inch long monster fish. (Good reason to know what you are buying.
Once had to remove a dead Oto from its mouth with a tweezer when it got pierced vertically in her mouth from the barbels and stuck...oopsy.
Purple Spotted Gudgeon. 12/2013 pic date

Eel grass a really cool plant aka Tape Grass. Beautiful.

Really fun tank inhabitant Fiddler Crab
this is the caption"Super Claw Fiddler, half in the water, half out. Claw is appx 1.25 inches!!! Getting him and his companions a floating island this week! Thought we had male and female but I just saw the one with smaller claw waving it's bigger claw around as they say the males do :(. Big claw was waving at himself in the the reflection in the top of the water, LOL." Was my daughter's.


These two were so cute and always moved around the tank together, I called them the twins. ~6.5" Siamese Algae Eaters 8 years old

12G Edge Tank - just looks so good.


Fun Shrimp / Orange CPO 6.6G Edge
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My family's favorite is definitely the Albino Golden Dojo Loach. Her name is Issy after the Japanese lore that says a mare that lost her foal, searching everywhere, desperately jumped into the lake to search for her baby, turning into a lake monster.IMG_20180919_222700.jpeg
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This is moby, 1 of 2 peppered cory cats I bought at petco(some how turned into synodontis eupterus)! Their loss my gain!!!!!moby.jpg20181125_061917.jpg
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This was my betta, King who sadly passed a couple months ago but I really love his picture of him.
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