Plant ID please...

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 18, 2005
Columbus, OH
Well I bought two plants at the LFS today, but I'm not exactly sure what they are. I have a few ideas but I don't want to bias your judgement :) . I've included two pictures for each plant to help you with the ID. Good luck, and thanks for your help! :D


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The first pic is a Cryptocoryne, most likely a brown or red variant of Cryptocoryne wendtii. The second picture is Hygrophila polysperma "Rosanervig." The upper leaves will turn pink in good light and the white venation you see is a actually an innocuous virus that causes the white coloration. It's an interesting one and can be a very fast, invasive grower when it gets going.
I've seen the crypt referred to as 'bronze' wendtii. The common name for the second plant is 'sunset' hygro or 'tropical' hygro.

Invasive grower is an understatement...some states list all species of hygrophilia as noxious weeds, so be careful when disposing of clippings, such that they don't end up in a local body of water.
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