Plant ID

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 13, 2010
This little plant was a hitchhiker in some other plants I got. I've had it for a while and it hasn't grown much. It's super tiny... smaller than my anubias petite.

It's either a really small plant or it just haven't grown due to living in a low tech setup. Any clues?

Yeah, maybe. I've never kept C. Parva before, but from image searches it looks like the leaves should be a little more elongated... I dunno, it's hard to tell, but I think that may be your best bet. Unless it ends up growing huge... :lol:

Edit: I'm pretty sure it's c.parva...
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Yeah, maybe. I've never kept C. Parva before, but from image searches it looks like the leaves should be a little more elongated... I dunno, it's hard to tell, but I think that may be your best bet. Unless it ends up growing huge... :lol:

Edit: I'm pretty sure it's c.parva...

Crypt parva has those spade like leaves. I've never seen crypt parva in such a small bunch though, so I'm not 100% sure. I had some for a while... It ended up getting buried by an angry pleco... Now it's a root tab...
Honestly I'm not sure. I would go out on a limb to say it is probably a type of crypt but there are so many different one's right now telling what which it is would be about impossible. One thing you could do is email the person you got the plants from and see what they have growing in their tank.
That doesn't look like crypt parva to me at all. Here's an old picture of mine.... Aquarium Advice - Aquarium Forum Community - Rivercats's Album: 220g dirted tank - Picture. The one in your picture looks to have leaves on the end of stems whereas parva doesn't really have a noticeable stem, just long thin leaves. They also aren't fat like the ones in your picture.

Interesting. I have some c. parva in my 55g, and some does look like that, no stem, but other plants do have some stems like that in the picture. I'm not sure what causes the difference.
It doesn't really look like parva to me. Parva is usually a much lighter shad of green with no red visible. It kind of looks like c. walkeri or c. linguia (as Sillyfishies said). It also kind of looks like an ozelot sword plantlet.
It doesn't really look like parva to me. Parva is usually a much lighter shad of green with no red visible. It kind of looks like c. walkeri or c. linguia (as Sillyfishies said). It also kind of looks like an ozelot sword plantlet.
I was thinking the same thing, Max. It looked more like a sword to me.
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