PLanted Krib Tank

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 29, 2004
Hi, Currently i have a pair of albino kribs in about a 30 gallon tank. I would like to turn the tank into a planted tank. I have found what i will use for C02 but am not sure about lighting. Can anyone point in the right direction with lighting. In terms of plants i would like to keep some amazon swords, some java moss, anubius, and some micro swords.

I posted this originally in freshwater general. Sorry
you'll need at least 2 wpg... how are you going to do co2? if you're doing pressurized, you can go to about 3 wpg. for the plants you suggested, 2 -2.5 will be good
Hello Sicklidkid,

It just so happens I have all of those plants in a 40g tank with DIY CO2. I"d suggest about 3 WPG and some form of CO2 for your 30g.

I'm currently running 2.6 WPG and all my various swords are thriving with the exception of the micro sword. I think this is due to not enough light, due to the micro being so much shorter and a forground plant. The micro is slowly growing under my 2.6 WPG, it's simply not thriving like the rest of my tank.

As for my amazons, melons, marble queens, red somethings (can't recall the name at the moment :lol: ), they are all thriving under my 2.6WPG. In fact, this evening I plan on cutting babies from a couple of amazons and planting them.

Swords in general like 2.5-3.5 WPG and root tab ferts. The shorter carpet swords lean towards the higher light, which makes since. The light looses intesity the deeper it has to travel to the bottum of the tank. :D

Also, don't overdose on root tab ferts, or your tank will have a terrible Phos spike that leads to a nasty cause of BGA, thats a major pain to get rid of. Trust me on this one :lol:
Well, ladies and gentlemen, I am certainly no expert with either Kribs or plants. It has been a long time since I had any Kribs, but from what I remember they are irrepressible diggers. May I humbly suggest that you keep the plants separate from the areas in which the Kribs will be most interested. Perhaps you could give them a group of rocks to burrow around or under to keep them occupied. If so, make sure that you support the rock pile so the little excavations will not collapse. Good luck.
Kribs uproot plants. I'm particularly worried about the java moss... They love to pick at smaller plants.
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