planting a 29 gallon high after cycling?

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allaboutfish said:
haha idk if my walmart would have them on their plants bc they have mystery snails already

There could be eggs or very tiny snails on the plants that they didn't notice, their is no way to make sure there is nothing on them
allaboutfish said:
haha idk if my walmart would have them on their plants bc they have mystery snails already

Mine does too and I didn't even see the MTS until I was washing the plants I bought. One LFS has them and hates them, so he gave me one for free but he won't sell or give me any more.
Dunno, but if you want to get rid of snails, do a quick dip in Hydrogen peroxide and then rinse before putting in your plants.
Oh. Are you sure? If they have snails, they're probably pond or ramshorn, the really annoying kind that reproduce a mile a minute (I would know, I have an infestation right now).

If you want mystery snails, they won't reproduce in freshwater, and you can buy a couple, they'll work their tails off. But these aren't the kind you're going to be finding in your plants.
I'm not sure. The best way to ensure you have trumpets is to buy a few. I know I've only gotten pond snails on my plants.
Snails don't overpopulate tanks unless you give them a reason to... as in overfeeding. I have pond, ramshorn, and MTS and none of them are 'out of control'. I quite like having them, just a few here and there.
darn i guess ill be searching for the trumpets or have to special order (how much does it usually cost to special order a fish from you lfs if it's a small buisness
allaboutfish said:
will the mysterys sturr up sand i wanted trumpets

I have mystery snails and although they're cooling looking, IMO/E they're lazy and not worth getting as a cuc. Nerite snails are great, MTS are great for sand and algae too. Algae eating shrimp (AES) are great as part of your cuc, if you don't have fish that might eat them lol.

Like a said, I got 2 MTS from plants at wally world and found them after soaking my plants in tap water for an hour. If you want to disinfect your plants, IMO don't use H2O2 (it won't really do anything anyway), use an alum dip (prefered) or 5% bleach solution in extreme measures. I prefer QT my plants for 10 days since I got ick from a plant awhile back.
would ghost shrimp help with the sand i think i might get around 3-6 what do you recomend fr a 29 gallon tank and do they reproduce (my biggestt fish will be 3 inches so not a problem with the shrimp)
allaboutfish said:
would ghost shrimp help with the sand i think i might get around 3-6 what do you recomend fr a 29 gallon tank and do they reproduce (my biggestt fish will be 3 inches so not a problem with the shrimp)

i love mine they do a great job of getting left ovet food and poo too lol. Check around for the feeders, at .08 each you can afford to lose a couple :D.
so with these plants what kind of lighting do i need i have a fluorescent currently.
micro sword,
anubius nana,
anubius barteri var. barteri (theyre all supposed to be low light or atleast thats what one site said)
oh and any more low light plants that are easy to find?
allaboutfish said:
so with these plants what kind of lighting do i need i have a fluorescent currently.
micro sword,
anubius nana,
anubius barteri var. barteri (theyre all supposed to be low light or atleast thats what one site said)
oh and any more low light plants that are easy to find?

What's your lighting again? can show you a lot more than I can suggest.
oh ok
it's called a perfect-a-lamp,it's a t10, and it says F20T10AQ (ive only got the bulb bc the tank and verything is from cl)
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