Planting Density

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 12, 2004
Gainesville, TX, USA
I'm going to be buying live plants for my newly started 30 G Hex Aquarium. I don't have a clue how many plants to buy. I have read that they like to be pretty densely planted but don't you leave room for them to grow? Is there a guideline for planting density ie #plants/per inch? (I know this would be different for different plants but I don't have a clue so it would be a start.

Here's what I am looking at buying:

Valisneria Spiralis
Anubias Nana
Java Fern

Anyone care to point me in the right direction?

what lighting is over this 30G hex tank?
Hex tanks are 'tall', and require more lighting than a standard tank. You've not selected any insanely high light plants, but if you've only got a 20watt bulb, even moneywort, watersprite and vals aren't gonna survive that.
this is just my opinion:
10 vals (background, or infront of moneywort)
1 pot of watersprite (background or mid)
1-2 bunches of moneywort (background)
3 java fern (foreground)
1 anubias nana (foreground or center piece)

that won't be dense planting at first, but stuff will spread, mainly vals and moneywort (replant pruned tops of moneywort)
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