Plants that go well together

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Nov 12, 2011
So as most of you guys know I'm setting up a 25 gallon planted tank and I want to make it as professional as possible. I am waiting until I have all the proper equipment I need before I start this bad boy up such as a current nova extreme t5ho, co2 system, Eco complete substrate., etc. I know I want dwarf baby tears as a carpet for my tank but what else would go well with DBT? I want this tank to be perfect and pristine :) any thoughts??
I'm partial to adding certain crypts because of the leaf shapes and colors, just to add something to all the green: and no, I'm not representing aquariumplants, but I order from the frequently so they're bookmarked.

Wendtii bronze are beautiful:
Cryptocoryne, Wendtii, Bronze (Cryptocoryne wendtii v. Tropica)

Florida Sunset:
Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Florida Sunset'

I also have tons of Ludwigia Repens in my tanks because of the red the leaves have.
Ludwigia, Broad Leaf (Ludwigia repens)

For my greens I like stargrass, swords, java fern, java moss, anubias. The compacta swords would work fine in your tank, they stay smaller than the usual amazon swords.

Sword, Amazon Compacta (Echinodorus bleheri 'compacta')
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