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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 11, 2002
Venus Texas
Ok New pond built april 2003. water looks good but Plants are turning brown. I am consantly pulling out dead plant matter. New sprots are still comming up. So whats the deal? What if any thing are you guy's doing to keep your plants healthy?

1000 gal pond with water fall.
1000GPH pump.
pond gets plenty of light all day till about 5pm.
Specify types of plants with problems.

Water lilly leaves in particular only live a few weeks each, totally natural. they send up new leaves all the time, and older ones die off.

Do you fertilize your pond plants? I've found it to be important. many companies make fertilizer tablets for pond plants, just push them in the soil a couple inches down, make sure they are well covered with dirt (or whatever planting medium you use with your pond plants).
uH.... types of plants. water Iris, is one. I'll have to look at what my wife bought and my neibor gave my some as well, so I can give you specific plants.

And No at this point I have not added fertilizer's. Guess I should huh!!LOL I mean they keep growing but they die all the way back sprot again. just seem like they should last longer. The petals and stems turn brown and mushy. I'll clip them and they grow back?? Thanks for the advice. I'll try to find out the specific plants. Any other advice let me know. The pond has came along well I just think I could do better.

HI FF, yea I know I been away for awhile. been busy. :lol:

oh here's a peak at it.
Ferts are important, for sure.

I'm not sure what role climate and temp. play in this. TX and MD are way diff, (obviously), so not sure what else I can tell you.

Iris are marginals, should be planted with just a few inches of water above the top of the planting pot. Don't know what happens if too deep or shallow, never done it.
The petals and stems turn brown and mushy
Thats typical, at least ime. the flower stems just don't last long.

The leaves should last all season though, so I can't come up with anything else.
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