Platy Ailments

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 2, 2003
Illinois USA
I am somewhat new at this. One of my favorite fish is a Red Platy. It has been in the tank for two years. I have noticed that he has some small patches of discoloration around his left eye. The skin is a lighter almost greyish color.

Is this indicative of any ailment? If so, can is affect the other fish in the tank?

There have been no new additions to this tank in almost 2 months. It is a well established tank. The contents are in my profile.

Any advice on this topic is greatly appreciated. :?:
Is the fish acting any differently? Eating/Breathing/Behavior changes?

It sounds like a columnaris infection; greyish areas are a sign. I would isolate him and treat him with an antibiotic such as Kanacyn, or maracyn and maracyn2. It is contagious; I would get him out of the tank ASAP.
it could be that your platy has a scar from a cut or she scraped herself on something. we noticed that on our guppies. one of our guppies had a cut which healed in a few days. she was fine after this. we put in some antibacterial medication to stop any further infections. any antistress medication will help to.but its better to do it in a "hospital" tank so you do not disturb the other fish.
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