Please HELP! Nitrite WON'T come down!!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 1, 2012
I'm really hoping someone can help me...the peeps at Petsmart hadn't a clue.

I have a newish tank...about six weeks old. I added a bottle of the Terta bacteria stuff...and added two mollies and two platys. The platy popped out some fry the same day....and died. Two of her fry survived. I waited two weeks, and added another molly, another platy, and a dwarf gourami. I haven't added any fish since then.

I test my water every day....and my ammonia has always been 0, my nitrate is .5 but my NITRITE is 8.0!!! I have been doing 25% water changes daily, adding PRIME each no avail. I have artificial plants and one moss ball in the tank. I am at a loss. All my levels are decent, and I cannot get the nitrite to come down. I haven't experienced but one fish loss and I would like to keep it that way. Can you help?? :(
how big is your tank?
so you have 3 molly, 3 platy and the dwarf gourami in there?

Yep! I agree with mumma... lots of water changes in your future! when I had your problem (had a 5 gallon that tested at 8 ppm Nitrite) I did back to back 50% WC - did 3 in a day. and I had to do this several days in a row. did a set in the morning, another set mid day, and again in the evening. it eventually got down there, but it took a while. didn't take too long after that before the tank leveled out and I was cycled, but it was a little rough there for a while! do whatever you need to do to get those numbers down - sooner rather than later. everyday will make a differnce!

good luck!
I used an old filter from someone elses tank on Friday...levels were still high. Yesterday I did a 50% water change and Prime. I also rinsed the filter out in the bucket of tank water... It seems to be working, today my reading was 3......still high but SO much better than 8. I am going to do another 50% here in a little bit.

I am wondering....should I add ANY salt to the tank? I have read both ways, but all seem to agree that salt reduces Nitrite toxicity. Like I said, no deaths and I would like to keep it that way...we are all really attached to our fish and our two platy fry.
MPehl77 said:
I used an old filter from someone elses tank on Friday...levels were still high. Yesterday I did a 50% water change and Prime. I also rinsed the filter out in the bucket of tank water... It seems to be working, today my reading was 3......still high but SO much better than 8. I am going to do another 50% here in a little bit.

I am wondering....should I add ANY salt to the tank? I have read both ways, but all seem to agree that salt reduces Nitrite toxicity. Like I said, no deaths and I would like to keep it that way...we are all really attached to our fish and our two platy fry.

3 is MUCH better but still high. The best thing to do is many large water changes. Multiple a day. A bit of salt does help out with nitrite toxicity. 1 tablespoon per 10g is enough. Salt doesn't evaporate so the only way to remove is through water changes. The salt will only be a temporary thing so after the nitrite spike is over remove it.
I did another water change at about noon, and took my reading at two. I have the Nitrites down to ONE!! YAY! I am going to keep up with 2x water changes for the rest of the week. My fish are so much more active and male mollie is looking for nookie and the females are giving it the clean water must be making them happy all around!
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