Ponyo in a 20 Long

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I dropped a couple of ramshorns into this quagmire. Maybe they can make some poop out of this algae tonight.


All five little puffs.
My Amanos got big! Almost 2". If your puffs have enough gumption to nip them I would be amazed.

They are so cute! I'm bringing my Biube home next week and might try another puff in a month or so.
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Regarding the psi, 3 is quite low. I usually run it between 30-50 psi; some diffusers only operate at psi greater than 20-30.
Even after the slightest adjustment to the needle, the bubble count change is not always immediate. I lost a school of Furcata Rainbows due to an impatient adjustment.
DBT can be frustrating. I'm on the fence about ripping mine out and starting again. It is starting to lift up and I am not sure if it can be replanted. I might be able to secure it with tooth picks; IDK.
I grew DBT out in some terrariums and then tied small patches onto 1x1" stainless steel squares. I planted those and under heavy CO2, ferts, and lighting, was able to carpet my tank in 1-2 months. However, it requires frequent trimming. Otherwise, the lower growth might die off and lead to detachment (as in my case).
Not sure about the algae situation. The puffers do limit your invert selection.
I'll experiment with increasing the PSI. I might need different needle valves.

I love my furcata. Ugh. That would be so sad. I did lose a diminished school of harlequins from accidentally leaving CO2 on overnight. I still feel bad about that.

I wonder if the failure to trim is why the dwarf baby tears were floating because the undergrowth had started to die. It didn't seem tall enough for the tops to block the bottoms.

What gauge mesh did you use? Or was it just a solid sheet?

I want carpet on that hill!
As if they overheard me, this morning two of the puffers have dark lines on their bellies. They are also circling and occasionally nipping each other.
One of them is definitely female. She became a blimp (shape) overnight.

I wonder if I should exchange one of these males.i don't want them killing each other.
One of them is definitely female. She became a blimp (shape) overnight.

I wonder if I should exchange one of these males.i don't want them killing each other.

Will they do that? I have only read about keeping multiple puffs. I thought they would pick a turf and then stay in that area to keep the peace.
This morning they are definitely bring grumpy. Maybe they are just sorting it out, and once they establish their territories, they'll be okay.
Despite your advice otherwise, we got otos. There were only three available, so that's what we have. I'm not quarantining them because the quarantine tank is too clean. I acclimated them and dosed the tank with PraziPro.

We also got two amano shrimp.

I'm curious to see how things play out.
Thanks, guys.

The shrimp are hard to find, and I keep thinking that they must have been eaten, even though they're the biggest things in there. They are eating nonstop.

I don't actually see the otos eating very much, but each time I look at the tank there is less algae.

Maybe I'll be able to redo that dwarf baby tear carpet. Hmm?
The Amanos are excellent at hiding if there is anywhere for them to hide. And they lighten/darken depending on the background. Sometimes they are right in front and I don't even see them.
Amanos, like crawfish, can climb out of your tank. They are one of the few dwarf shrimp that can carry their own weight with ease out of water.
Once during a drip acclimation (those can get lengthy) I found one 3/4 way up the side of a 5 gallon plastic bucket. Had to put a lid on it.
Oh jeez. How far can they go out of water?

We keep our water level on the 29 about two inches below the top of the tank, and-- knock on wood-- that seems to prevent escapes. Do amanos care? Am I going to find exoskeletons in the morning?
Everybody's still alive!

I think one of the shrimp has doubled in size. The sagittaria sublata looks great, and everybody's working on the cotton candy looking stuff on the leaves.

My two male puffers are still duking it out. I'm going to be messing with plants very soon, so hopefully they don't have to start from scratch.
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