Porc Chop's Tank

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Hondatek said:
Quick update . Ammo is at 4 ppm nitrites are off the charts and nitrates are almost at 5 ppm. One bad thing is my salinity has jumped up to 1.027. I had extreme amount of evaporation last night and I had to use water from my current tank to top the sump off since I had no r o water or any conditioner . Going to change 5 gallons out everyday until that goes down.

1.027 isnt so bad. Id say keep it around 1.024
Well I was between 1.025 and 1.026 before i put the 2 gallons I put from my tank. So hopefully it won't take too long for it to drop back to 1.024
Quick update . Ammo is at 4 ppm nitrites are off the charts and nitrates are almost at 5 ppm. One bad thing is my salinity has jumped up to 1.027. I had extreme amount of evaporation last night and I had to use water from my current tank to top the sump off since I had no r o water or any conditioner . Going to change 5 gallons out everyday until that goes down.
im liking the update mike. your getting really close to being done.
Thanks twitch . The nitrites really came fast. Sunday I was .25 maybe a hair darker . And overnight they maxed out . I can't wait untill I get porc chop in there.
Hondatek said:
Thanks twitch . The nitrites really came fast. Sunday I was .25 maybe a hair darker . And overnight they maxed out . I can't wait untill I get porc chop in there.

Lol I'm getting my porcupine puffer today!!! I pre-ordered him 2 weeks ago.
Getting really frustrated now. Came home from work check for evaporation in the sump . The water in the return area keeps sloshing around really bad. If it keeps up it's going to break that baffle. I don't know what to do . Please help
Your still cycling. Removing the sump from the main water in your dt will not interrupt that. Drain your sump and silicone a .25 or 3/16 piece of glass for your baffles. Here it cost 10$ per precut panel of .25. That's what I suggest.
Ok I guess I'll have to tear it down then. I just don't get why it started to do that today and not earlier.
Same level as when I first set it up . I took some water out of there to see if it helps. It's not as bad but it's still sloshing.yea just the return
hmm. idk man, it looked like thin panels in the pics you posted earlier. if you do take the time to put the glass in you wont be sorry.
Yea I think I'm going to do that . I think I have it fixed though . Here is what I think happened. I turned it off last night to replace 5 gallons with ro to lower salinity . I think the return level was too high . Also my pipe that's suction cupped to the back of the tank came off and pump moved and started the sloshing. I think newtons law got me. An object in motion stays in motion until acted on by another force. I turned pump off and took water out the section. I let the syphon break and the water stop. Turned everything back on and it's fine now.going to price some glass now anyways. Thanks again twitch
Another small update . The sump issue has been resolved but I still plan to beef it up some. I only test ammo and trites today.ammo was 4 yesterday and 1 today. Nitrites still off the charts . Going to let it do it's thing for another day and turn my skimmer back on . It's so close to being done . I am extremely excited now and trying my best to ignore the tank.
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