Post your planted tanks!

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I have the worst unplanted tank"! My plants arrived today nicely packed. I have gravel and sand. There are stems and runners floating everywhere. Not what I imagined, but my fish are very excited.

Rescape on my 55g. I am finally almost happy with it! :)

That serious morass of plant to the far left is Water sprite. It was growing out of the water and over my lights at that point :) I kept it that big just to cover the enormous sponge filter I was using at that point in time.


Due to popular demand I added a black background finally :D

Things are however starting to get way overgrown. Time for another pruning I think :)

Due to popular demand I added a black background finally :D

Things are however starting to get way overgrown. Time for another pruning I think :)

I like the over grown look I'd leave it a little longer :)
You using sand substrate? I also have sand, and wanting to get more plants for my tank. But I heard sand is not the best substrate for plants? What kind of fertz do you use?

Sand can be just fine for planted tanks. That's what I have in mine. Although if you have a fairly small grain sized sand it might be a good idea to get some Malaysian trumpet snails to aerate the sand a bit.

For root tabs I would suggest using some home made O+ root tabs but the flourish tabs work as well.
Mine has been doing much better since I raised my light and increased potassium. Now if I could just keep nitrates low to make my reds redder!


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Only a couple of plants so far but slowly adding more and more !! :)
Sorry for the noob question...
What does raising your lights help for? Any ideas how you going to rid of those unwanted Nitrates?

Raising the lights spreads out the intensity making it harder for algae to compete with the plants. Since I have moved it up I have had great growth from all areas of the tank and my BBA is dying off significantly. And for now WC's and light feeding is doing the trick with nitrates. I do them twice a week to keep nitrates at bay. I can't really add more plants and a reactor would make my levels too low or zero and that's not good for a planted tank.
Hey guys may not be the right place for this question but u guys seem to know about plants so my java ferns don't seem healthy in my main 55 gallon tank they're covered in black spots and blotches, any idea what that could be? I'm thinking some kind of deficiency.
Hey guys may not be the right place for this question but u guys seem to know about plants so my java ferns don't seem healthy in my main 55 gallon tank they're covered in black spots and blotches, any idea what that could be? I'm thinking some kind of deficiency.

you will get more answers starting your own thread in the planted tanks section
Just thought I will try to get this thread going again. The pics that everyone post are amazing and a great inspiration! Keep them coming!
At the moment I'm setting up an 72g and I'm going to use my 25g as a sump.
My 25g:


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This is my planted tank with my Angelfish and moonlight gourami, its a 100 litre tank


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This is my other 200L community tank


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My first planted tank. 3 1/2 months in

Omar sick skull.


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