Power outages

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 4, 2013
Northern New Jersey
Hi guys. A major snow and ice storm coming my way tomorrow. What do you suggest on how to keep your cichlids warm in case of a power outage. I just set up my 75 and im a bit worried.

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I would be a nervous wreck!!!! I don't know what else to do besides a generator. It's the heat I would worry about.
Ya u must be from Ohio lol Bc I'm slightly worried to I have 3 tanks
Wow I think if it get that bad we have a tractor on a generator but still worries me Bc I'm at school not home
I live in mass, I bought a 3500 watt generator from ocean state job lot, just in case..enough to run my fridge, tank(s) and a tv;) not that I'd watch tv because I'd be glued to my tanks for observational reasons..
I've had this happen before, I took my filter cartridges and media out and placed them into the tank itself, then got a portable gas stove and heated up hot water (not boiling hot). Then I placed it into a plastic bag and put it into the tank to keep the water temp warm. If you have an old bag from when you got fish at your LFS, then use those. If the outage could last days, I'd get a generator otherwise you're in for a lot of work.
If your tank is not overstocked, you really shouldn't have any issues in less than 48 hours unless it gets really cold. I've lost power in the summer for two days at a time and no issues with a variety of tanks, both fresh and saltwater. If the tank gets cold (down in the 60's) remember to heat it back up slowly, don't go from very cold to normal temperatures quickly, as the shock can be far more deadly than the cold temperatures.
Every hour get a cup of water out of thet tank and pour it back in that will cycle it for another hour.
If your tank is not overstocked, you really shouldn't have any issues in less than 48 hours unless it gets really cold. I've lost power in the summer for two days at a time and no issues with a variety of tanks, both fresh and saltwater. If the tank gets cold (down in the 60's) remember to heat it back up slowly, don't go from very cold to normal temperatures quickly, as the shock can be far more deadly than the cold temperatures.

OMG I can't wait for the summer, only gets to around 80-85 degrees F here, so I never have to turn the heater on lol, as for these winter days.. temp is in the 30's & 20's :hide: With the snow storms all over the Midwest/East Coast in the U.S. this year, hopefully nobody has lost any fish :uhoh:
Check out the king of DIY on YouTube he has videos on how to survive power outages, how to heat and keep the cycle in the tank with no power.
OMG I can't wait for the summer, only gets to around 80-85 degrees F here, so I never have to turn the heater on lol, as for these winter days.. temp is in the 30's & 20's :hide: With the snow storms all over the Midwest/East Coast in the U.S. this year, hopefully nobody has lost any fish :uhoh:

Really? You dont use ac in your house?
Both my wife and I work during the day, so by the time we get home at around 5PM, it's cooled down quite a bit lol :D

Ok I was just curious. I know different parts of the US do things different. I live in Texas we are running something AC or heat year around... However I always use my aquarium heaters year round too. My house is always cooler than my tanks.
Ok I was just curious. I know different parts of the US do things different. I live in Texas we are running something AC or heat year around... However I always use my aquarium heaters year round too. My house is always cooler than my tanks.

I actually used to live in the Dallas area for 10+ years and yeah an AC is pretty much needed for sure. Over here my heater rarely turns on in the summer, only on cooler nights.
Lost power for 3 days and my entire tank was lost. My wood stove was broken though now it fixes and I can get it to 80 in here with just that so in not too worried. It's the cycle thing that worries me. I can't really float media as I have 2 big canisters. I guess I could buy that's be some work! I'm in mass also and hoping it stays on! I just stocked a tank with like $400 worth of fish last month!
Lost power for 3 days and my entire tank was lost. My wood stove was broken though now it fixes and I can get it to 80 in here with just that so in not too worried. It's the cycle thing that worries me. I can't really float media as I have 2 big canisters. I guess I could buy that's be some work! I'm in mass also and hoping it stays on! I just stocked a tank with like $400 worth of fish last month!

OMG I couldn't dare spend that much on fish i would be a nervous wreck! Now I would have to invest in a generator if I had fish that cost me that kind of money!
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