Purple Zoanthids!?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 4, 2003
Anybody know where to get some PPE's? I found a guy selling some, 5 polyps for $100. I know these are pretty rare and expensive.....don't know what to do, I want them really bad!
Wow, that is very $$$! Would be way cool though. I think most of us have that one special high ticket item that we are proud of. If you want them go for it. (tiny voice in the backof your head uses "it could be your christmas present to yourself" rational for justification.) I have been some super-colored zoos for a long time. www.reefermadness.us has some very nice ones but I am worried about shipping to Minnesota in the winter. Check them out, they have some for you. Good luck! Lando
The main concern are Protopalythoas (Palythoa toxica and Palythoa tuberculosa mainly). They excrete palytoxins which can enter the blood stream causing serious problems, although quite rare. Most species of zoanthud sold in the hobby are completely harmless though.

Best to use latex gloves whenever handling corals for your safety and theirs. The largest danger is when fragging but it's always best to be cautious.

I"m gonna get them!! I just found out today I passed all my finals and I"m graduating from Penn State on Saturday. I'm probalby getting 5-8 zoo frags/rocks from his guy, he has some incredilbe reds/blues/orange etc so this can be my graduation/xmas present to myself!! I'll post pics when I get them.
Congrats on the graduation!!!! :smilecolros: :onfire: :smilecolros: :onfire:
Make sure you post some pics. Go ahead and get them, you deserve it! What did you major in, future plans?? Way to go...Lando
gotcha. where ever I read that must've just been extra cautious about it. a wrong identification by a coral novice like me could prove very unpleasant if mishandled.
Jamal, congratulations!!! :smilecolros: I just finished my finals today as well. I feel so relieved. You should definitely go for them. Good luck with your career!!
Thanks everyone!! My major was Accounting and I think I may go to grad school, I"m sooo tired of school but really would like to go while I"m still in school mode.

I decided to wait and have the zoo's shipped after xmas, I've heard far too many horror stories of packages being delayed and/or lost the week of xmas.

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