I've got a 55 gallon and a 120 gallon.. never had a quarantine before (I know stupid me).. but I had recently added an anthias to my 120 and he ended up with a cloudy eye and ich. He ended up dying and after he died my sailfin tang and rock beauty angel ended up covered in ich and my Koran angel has cloudy eyes.. so I went out and bought a 40 gallon tank and filled it with water from the 120 gallon so I didn't have to worry about acclamation. I put the 3 sick fish in there.. I had to put a thin line of sand on the bottom because my sailfin was freaking out at his reflection on the bottom. Gona get a couple PVC and right now it's just got a couple plastic plants in it. None of my other fish show any signs of ich or anything. But isn't it still in the water? Don't want to treat my fish just to put them back into ich.. I read tanks have to be fishless for 6-8 weeks to get rid of ich from the rocks.. is that true?.. and was wondering if you guys thought I could put all my fish into my 55 leave my 120 empty for 8 weeks and then put my sailfin and Koran and rock beauty back in the 120 and then slowly start moving a few fish at a time and treat them in quarantine then put them back in the 120 until my original fish are back where they belong and then never ever ever not quarantine again!
In the 120 I have a black spot cardinal, bangaai cardinal, 2 clowns, a banana wrasse, tribal blenny, mandarin goby and a blue eye kole tang I'd have to put in the 55
In my 55 I have an arc eye hawkish, a pajama cardinal and a bristletooth tang. Yea I know bristletooths need more room but he had been in a LFS for 3 months in this 5 gallon and I felt bad for him so I bought him and didn't wana try putting him in the 120 with the sailfin and kole tang. Thought they would gang up on him.. he's pretty small.. the kole tang is also pretty small. Maybe 2 inches. The biggest fish I have is the wrasse which is about 4 inches long. What do y'all think? Any advice is helpful.. thanks and sorry its so much to read
In the 120 I have a black spot cardinal, bangaai cardinal, 2 clowns, a banana wrasse, tribal blenny, mandarin goby and a blue eye kole tang I'd have to put in the 55
In my 55 I have an arc eye hawkish, a pajama cardinal and a bristletooth tang. Yea I know bristletooths need more room but he had been in a LFS for 3 months in this 5 gallon and I felt bad for him so I bought him and didn't wana try putting him in the 120 with the sailfin and kole tang. Thought they would gang up on him.. he's pretty small.. the kole tang is also pretty small. Maybe 2 inches. The biggest fish I have is the wrasse which is about 4 inches long. What do y'all think? Any advice is helpful.. thanks and sorry its so much to read