Question about Clarity

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 23, 2004
Chicago IL
Heya I have a 58 Gallon Reef ready tank with a sump. I seem to have poor water claity as there is a good deal of floating debris in my water collum. My water quality is good as there are only a hint of Nitrates. I use a gravel vac to get the large material and I have a huge amount of mechanical filtration. What else can I try? How does this sound for mechanical.
Foam sponge on my Durso style standpipe in the overflow.
Poly fiber pad on top of dripplate.
Poly fiber pad in first compartment of sump.
Large sponge just before Rio 2500 returns water to tank.
I cant get it CLEAR.
What type of substrate do you have? sand? if so then it would take about 2 weeks for it to clear up IME, also how long have you been trying to clear things up?
My substrate is a small pea gravel like aquarium gravel. Its actually smaller than pea gravel.
Is it cloudy? Or do you just have debris? I know it took forever to get my reef tank clear. When is the last time you checked your salinity? If you keep doing water changes without completley mixing the salt into your water, that could be your problem... Uhh..

I've never heard of anyone using gravel in a reef tank...but did you wash the gravel out before you put it in your tank? Or just dump it in? That could be your problem too.

If you don't get any answers here, try posting this question in the SW forums.

I am guessing but is the Rio pump 250gph? If so you may need to up the water flow 100 to 200 gph to help all the particles find there way to the filter. 250gph is the bare minimum for that size tank. 4x58=232. 6x or 8x would be much better. 8x58=464
A bigger sump pump would be best. Dont think you need another filter. Is the poly fiber pads coarse or fine? Coarse will let the small stuff pass right thru. Floss is the fine stuff.
As the water flows thru the system have the coarse sponge first. Coarse or better yet medium polyfiber pad or fine sponge second. Floss last. It should trap finer and finer particles as the water travels thru the filter. It would seem the large foam in your system may be for bacteria to live.
First try the floss if that is not whats in there now. It should help. Then a bigger pump if it seems like it is not keeping up.
Check with the saltwater forums too. That type of filter is used there a lot more than in freshwater.

good luck
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