Question about treating camallanus

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 3, 2009
Ok so I've been treating my guppies for camallanus worms with a medicated flake food it uses lavimasol (I think that's how you spell it) long story short it didn't work. Doing research I found someone on another forum recommending that the person there try raising the salinity of the tank to kill the worms when lavimasol didn't work for them. Do you think that it could possibly work and if so how high should I raise the salinity in the tank? Or is it a lost cause and I should just put all the fish down?

Sorry a little info on my tank it's a ten gal with 3 guppies a male and two females. It's been setup for 3 months and any babies they've had they have eaten them. The parameters are 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, 15 nitrates. Temp is 80.
I'm at a loss of what to do please help I've done two different treatments with the flakes and no change in the fish I can still see worms hanging out of them.
He's the crucial info:

1. Removed all substrate and deco from smallest tank, to be my treatment tank. 2. Added my guppie there, added 0.1ml of levamisole per 10 litres.. Yes apparently it is a very strong medication I bought! 3. Allow to treat for 24 hours, then do a 50% water change 4. Allow dead worms to this point the are eggs still alive. The levamisole won't treat that.. But there are other things to do for that,.. Clean and salt. 5. While treating your fish in the hospital tank, I'm cleaning all other affected tanks, really vacuum the substrate Etc. While these tanks have no fish in them, I'm still dosing these tanks with the levamisole, although she thought that was pointless given the biology in the tank will reduce the 'meds' - even though carbons removed.

Oh and .. Just to help get rid of the eggs from your main tanks, add 5gm salt per 1lt.. It creates enough reverse osmosis action in the water to kill the eggs. So I'm dosing the tanks while treating the fish in hospital tank.

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Kwakatoo, when you make a "Gram" sign, its just a lowercase g. like 5g. Not gm. Just a FYI.
Thanks for helping this person!
To the OP, one ten gallon tank and 3 guppies is nothing. You could also just dump everything, scrub with bleach water very well and start over.
Kwakatoo, when you make a "Gram" sign, its just a lowercase g. like 5g. Not gm. Just a FYI.
Thanks for helping this person!.

Thank you Matt.. Given the differences on this site between the metric, US and imperial systems.. I never know how best to show weight lol

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Ya, I hate it. It gets confusing to translate. Every country should use one standard of measurments.
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