Quick question

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 16, 2005
Ontario, Canada
I had intended to move my large plec from my 20 to my new 50 once some algae starts forming and leave my small plec in the 20 with a dwarf gourami or two. I then got to thinking I might do well to move Jules the betta from his (unheated) 3 gl to the (heated) 20 as per the coming cold winter months and the inherent temperature swings BUT then I would also have to move the small plec from the 20 to the 50 as Jules simply will not tolerate him. My question is would 2 plecs be too many for a 50 gl? (there are 4 fancies in there as well). I also suppliment the plecs' diets with cukes and such.

Thanks for any advice.
The plecos would be ok in the large tank, if they are common plecos thet will out grow it eventually. You might have problems with the gouramis and the betta however.
welcome to AA renee...i really loved the little story before.
just a couple of thoughts -

jules, being an anabantoid (labyrinth fish) would not like dwarf gouramis staying with him in a 20g. however, he might not be that aggressive in the larger space. and i'm pretty sure he's going to leave the pleco alone in the 20g.

since both plecos and fancies are prodigious (someone hooked me onto this term ) waste-producers, the 50g is currently well-stocked with 5 fishes, each having 10g. that said, plecos are also very territorial in nature when it comes to conspecifics. go through this article to get an idea of their aggressiveness...

but please seek other opinions before you make a decision...i've done plenty of fish-swapping to know that it ultimately boils down to the characters of the fish in that particular tank. :wink:
Thanks all

Thank you all for your advice. Just a note - if I do move Jules to the 20 I won't stock anything other than him in there (though I will buy a divider so I can occassioanly put the small plec in there to clean up the algae growth).

As far as Jules being okay aggressive-wise in a larger tank I did try him in the 20 last week and went straight for the small plec and did a great deal of damage in a matter of 2 minutes - he immediately 'hunted' him down in the plants and attacked him...mind you he went nowhere near big Alfredo! Anyway, I took him right out and put him back in his Eclipse (he really is an aggressive little thing).

And a note on the plecs - they are both spotted, kind of like leopard spots (I don't know if that's a common plec or not??). And as far as them being aggressive/territorial I didn't know that about them but in the 2 years I've had the big guy and the month I've had the little guy they have both appeared to be very docile just going about their business, eating their cukes and melons, doing the occassional zip or quick dart to the surface and then back down to their hidey-hole.

And about the plecs and fancies soon outgrowing the 50...well...maybe, just maybe.....I'll have to take a little (now fully justified!) trip to my lfs :wink: and have a look at a, GASP, 100gl...or dare I say it :D (heart goes pitter patter)..... a 200gl?????

Oh oh...quick, somebody hide my VISA. 8O
i've had my betta in a community tank without any problems before (rainbows, redtail shark, loaches) ... the only problem I've ever had with a betta in with other fish have been them nipping at the bettas fins (which is a shame cuz they are beautiful fish).

I don't think you'll have any issues with the betta and the plecos ... can't vouch for the guaramis as they can be a little aggressive with other smaller fish.
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