Quick stocking question...

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 2, 2012
Sheffield, England
Ive got a Betta and a zebra snail in an eight gallon tank. I quite like the idea of introducing some shrimp. How many do you think would be suitable?

Ideally id like to get a few ottos (I love catfish!) but a) I don't think the tank is big enough and b) would they get on with my Betta???
I would do a bigger shrimp like ghost shrimp or amano shrimp. They are less likely to be eaten. You could do 4-6. I'm not sure if Otos are the best idea........
Stick with a few Amano shrimp ... Skip the ottos, they would do better in a larger tank IMO.
I tried whisker shrimp, which were trying to eat my fish, so I traded them for cherry red shrimp and even the tiny 3/4" tetras were nipping at them! They disappeared within a few hours, never to be found again. And this is in a planted tank with java moss and lots of hiding places...
That was my experience, if that helps.
Oh, but you just have a betta? It might be worth a try. My betta doesn't eat snails and I don't think he's the one who ate the shrimp... But certainly many bettas would gladly eat the shrimp. Try it if you don't mind them being eaten.
Ok I've tried several red cherry shrimp. Big mistake. Betta instantly killed three of the five I put in. it was like a red flag to a bull. Managed to rehouse the other two at a friends house. That's somthing I won't be doing again!
Sorry to hear that. Were they 0.5 inch RCS? You gave it a try ... Maybe larger inch RCS may work.
Yeah they were the 0.5 RCS. I think it was the colour as much as anything. From subsequent reading ghost shrimp would be better suited but alas no where stocks them near me. I could try larger cherry a but I think it'll have the same result.
Is your tank fairly well planted? Also did you release the shrimp from the top and let them swim down? I did that once with ghost shrimp and immediately had 3 out 6 eaten before anyone reached the plants. Lesson learned.. I release new shrimp in the plants so they have cover.

Yeah ghost or Amano would be better options.. Amano especially as they get fairly big. In my tank, my Barbs ignore my Amano.. My RCS aren't so lucky. Out of 24 I only see 4-5 at most per night... And test those do get nipped at by my barbs.
Reasonably well planted, plenty of hidy holes. I actually had the Betta out of the tank when I put them in as I'd just given it a deep clean. I think I'll just keep it with the Betta and zebra snail for now.
Reasonably well planted, plenty of hidy holes. I actually had the Betta out of the tank when I put them in as I'd just given it a deep clean. I think I'll just keep it with the Betta and zebra snail for now.

Wow ... I'd say your Betta's a prolific hunter! My Barbs can't seem to catch the remaining (I think) 4-5 RCS I see. If the other 19 or so were eaten, died or both ... then what I have are the one's able to evade and hide. Yet ... I do see them munching on the glass, DW, plants and substrate so they do come out.

If they manage to reach 1 inch .. I hope they'll be left alone and breed enough to sustain a small colony. Somewhat wishful thinking ... but I just have to wait and see.

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