Ram with ulcer/growths??

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 11, 2005
Alberta, Canada
I have a male german blue ram who has developed several white growths/lumps between his eyes and on the top of his head. He appears to be otherwise healthy - eating & active. He is in a 20 gal tank with a female ram and three cacatuoides. All fish have been together for several months and he is the only fish affected. No new fish have been added to the tank for several months. The tank has a 25% water change every 7 days (due for a change tomorrow) and the parameters are all within a healthy range - no nitrites/no ammonia, temp 78. I have been treating with Melafix for 3 days but no improvement. Unfortunately I cannot send a photo right now. Anyone ever experienced this??
How long did it take the growths to develop completely? Was it over the course of days, weeks, months?

In all likely hood, they are just what you say they are. Unexplained growths/tumors. These usually evolve from a genetic mishap within your fishes DNA and there is nothing you can do to stop it, or prevent it, or treat it. I'd keep your fish as healthy as possible (which is sounds as if you are already doing) with good water quality, a varied diet etc. and see if it's immune system can rid the growths on it's own. If they contine to grow and inhibit the fishes life, you may have to euthanize the fish. Otherwise, keep an eye on him.

The growths evolved over the course of a couple of days. On closer examination over the weekend it appears to look like open pits or sores rather than growths. Someone looked at it on Sat. and thought it looked like hole in the head disease. I'm trying to find a picture of this disease to confirm. If this is the case, what is the treatment??
If they appear white in color or appear to have some mucous on it, it probably is hexamita.

The disease can be treated by isolating to a separate tank and using Metronidazole.

Check here

Good luck.
The sores are white, however, I have not witnessed any mucous. Is it better to quarantine the ram for treatment with metro or could the entire tank be treated? Would the treatment adversely affect the healthy fish? Is hole in the head contagious? I'm mystified as to how he contracted this as poor water quality and diet seem to be the triggers from what I've read. My water has never gone 7 days without a 25-30 change and the fish are very well fed with a variety of food. Thanks for your advice.

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