Recomendation:: MelaFix

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 15, 2003
Chicago, IL

Just thought that I would write up a quick thing about Aquarium Pharmaceuticals MelaFix. A couple of my fish have been living with fin rot for about a week or two now, and I finally got some meds to treat them. I was going to get the freshwater aquarium salt, but it was a toss-up between that and AP MelaFix. The Melafix was about 5 or 6 bucks more than the aquarium salt, but my girlfriend said to try the Melafix instead. (She doesn't know much about fish!)

So, I got home and dumped in 3 teaspoons for the 30 gallon tank, and the next day, guess what? I was totally amazed to see the fins growing back already! They are not fully developed, but you can start to see a little tissue form over the missing parts of the fins! You're suppose to put the meds in for a week, and I was shocked that 24 hours later, you already start seeing progress!

The melafix is suppose to heal wounds and abrasions, fin and tail rot, eye cloud, mouth fungus, and promotes regrowth of damaged fin rays and tissue. It won't adversely affect the biological filter, alter hte pH, or discolor the water Safe for reef and live plants. For fresh or salt water. (This was from the web page/bottle).

All in all, I am really happy with this product in helping my cichlid's out. The only thing I found strange was that the next day when I opened the hood, you can smell the medicine in the tank! The med is some sort of tea extract thing, and it's really potent when you open the bottle. The next day, the tank's water smelled the same way. They recommend doing a 25% water change after a week of using it, which should be done anyways.

The only question I have is that I took out the charcoal pad from my eheim filter when I put the meds in. Somebody from the General Questions forum said it was OK, and when the meds are finished, I should use active charcoal to get hte meds out of the water. Should I, what kind shoudl I use, and how do I put it in with my canister filter?

Great stuff eh? I use it with my angelfish when they get a little nippy with each other. Obviously its not recommended for more serious cases, but for simple cases of finrot its the best IMHO.

Heh and yeah; the teatree oil in it (the active ingredient is melucca (sp) ) is kinda stinky LOL

The charcoal pad you removed is basically activated carbon I believe. Just get a new one and pop it in :)
Kinda OT but I LIKE the smell of teatree oil. I used to buy a shower gel that contained teatree oil as a main ingredient. Made my skin amazingly soft. :)

I guess if its good for me, its good for the fishies. Good to know!

Its amazing how fast fish regenerate tissue when its healthy. My pleco sheared off the tip of her tail by hanging out behind my filter intake basket. Two days later, I could see that it had started growing back.

The Melafix must do a great job at making the tissue healthy again to start regrowth so quickly. Thanks for the review, wiz. :)
fin regeneration

Well, it's been a few more days and the fish are still regenerating their fins! I guess I am just so excited because, like madame_x said, it's amazing to actually SEE their fins getting created, after I thought that their fins would never just grow back. I thought that once something was missing, then that was it, it will never come back!

I'll post an update in about a week about the bio-cycle. I guess that is my only concern now. I posted a note in another forum and one of the people that replied said that one of the meds he used screwed up the bio-cycle. So, I am hoping that everything is fine and the bacteria still keep chowing down on the ammonia and nitrites! :D
Is one of the nice things about Melafix. It appears to have NO effect on the nitrifying bacteria. Nother reason I like it so much for very simple problems.
Yes I will have to say that Melafix is wonderful. I was really sceptical at first. I thought that well its natural....but boy did it do the job. I came back from vacation with my one fish with stuff like cotton on its eyes. I started using it and that evening I could already tell the difference.
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